Chapter 73

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"I'm glad you could make it,"

"Well, it's not like I can ignore a message from you." Jin stared at his father who was dressed in a rather preppy school teacher look, very fitting to represent not only his job but his personality too.

They were in his office, Jin was visiting alone at his father's request. The office was just the same as ever, it was a relatively large space with maroon wooden walls and candlelights hanging from each corner of the room. There was a huge desk in the middle, shelves behind it in which piles of paper and files lay haphazardly. It was messy, but that was always expected of his father. He was never the type to clean up after himself, especially his things. The excuse would be that it was useless cleaning up because he'd flood everything out again for research and it would turn into a mess again anyway. Something his parents were complete opposites in, for his mother loved to clean and be organized. Maybe that's what made them a good pair, they balanced each other out without degrading the other for their way of working.

Sir Kim pushed up his glasses before giving his son a tight-lipped smile, his hollow cheeks rising and wrinkles showing on his face to disclose his old age. "I think it's about time we talked about some things. And I know you have a party to attend with your friends but this is crucial information that I'm only sharing with you." He got up from his chair and rolled up in front of his desk.

"What is it about?" Jin inquired, as he crossed his arms, uncomfortable with how serious the atmosphere was becoming.

His father walked towards the door and then pressed a button. Jin knew how his father had many digital gadgets and devices laying around, it was a hobby of his to design artificial objects with high intelligence. He guessed that was another one of his tools, though it didn't look like one Jin recognised. The curtains to his office closed with giant metal walls rolling down to cover them up, the walls were replaced with ones made of vibranium, and as his father made his way back to the desk, Jin could only wonder what all these safeguards meant.

"So no one can hear us?" Jin asked as his father nodded his head, "Just some safety precautions."

"Oh," he could only mutter in response.

"What I'm about to tell you, you must promise me never to disclose this information to anyone afterwards." He said finally, leaning back on his desk as Jin stood there, eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed.

"Is everything okay?"

"This is something that has been on my mind for a while now. And I want to see your thoughts on it. However, this is an extremely pressing assumption and one wrong mistake could have all my plans go to waste."

"It's okay dad, you know you can trust me," Jin assured as he waited for his father to continue, confident in his ability to keep secrets.

"Well um," he mumbled, fumbling with a pen, a pen he used for almost everything and never left without. It was like his lucky charm. And whenever he would start spinning it or just clasping it in his hand instead of his pocket, Jin would know there was an investigative breakdown that was gonna be poured on him.

"I have a theory," he started, unsure where to begin with his words. Jin nodded his head, urging him on.

"You've heard of Psyche's prophecy, right? The one where she predicts that Taehyung would be the one to stop Henry in his plans?" Jin nodded his head, wondering what this had to do with anything.

"Well, I have some doubts about that prophecy,"


"Yes, and this is a very critical accusation I'm going to be making," Jin's heart sped up, his mind racing with thoughts of what his father could be talking about and for a moment they stayed in silence as Sir Kim thought about how to tell his son less startlingly.

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