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Hello! Thanks for reading the third chapter:)


(Jimin/Yoongi's P.O.V)

"Jiminie, what hurts the most?" (IS BEING SOO CLOOOSE, sorry ignore me I'm just the editor- THE EDITOR THAT FAILED THE EDITING PART AND HAS TO REDO IT) Yoongi asks as he set the younger on his feet in order to test what medical things to get.

The dancer just sighed and circled his head around to indicate that EVERYTHING hurt. Yoongi frowned as Jimin drooped onto Yoongi's body, laying his head on the older's shoulders while his arms found their way around the rapper's neck.


"Hmph" Jimin puffed as more joints cracked and popped, the poor boy's bones were communicating.

(You know whenever you had seaweed crisps and crushed them in your hand? Or if your not from where we're from, when you had rice krispies and pouring the milk in made it sound like Snap, Crackle and Pop were talking? NO!? Ok..)

Yoongi wrapped an arm around Jimin and pulled the boy closer while he searched for anything that could help the dancer's body. Yoongi found a few items that LOOKED usable, but he couldn't read what they said as everything was written in English Doctor-talk (way worse then normal English, trust me).

"This should work" Yoongi thought as he grabbed a few bottles of whatnot and two familiar jars of red and white Chinese-brand 'Tiger Balm'. "Jimin-ah, you need to let go" Yoongi complained as he tried to remove Jimin from his body, they needed to hurry if they wanted to keep the others from waiting.

"Noooo, it hurts" Jimin complained back, finally backing off when Yoongi tried to karate chop his sore shoulder.

"Evil" The pained boy grinned and the rapper smirked, Yoongi grabbed a random bag nearby and stuffed all the items into it. The pair was just about to head towards the entrance to reunite with the others.. Before they were stopped by Jimin's 'rice-krispy' body. 

"Aish, my booooones!" The dancer whined as he tried to stretch his arms over his head, only to be stopped by another terrifying crack in his back. Yoongi winced at the sound, patting Jimin's head like a dog's owner would.

"Hmmmmmmm.. Follow me Jiminie" Yoongi ordered as he towed the crackly boy towards the restroom. Jimin sighed as Yoongi led him in, seating him on the toilet once inside. Yoongi drops the bag on the floor and grabs out a heated massage pad, lifting the dancer's shirt and putting the pad on his back. Jimin instantly sighed and his posture dropped into a 'C' again, allowing Yoongi to adjust his shirt as to cover more area before massaging.

"You don't have to do this you know Yoongi-hyung, rea-" "Nope, I'm doing it. I can't call myself a hyung if I don't Jimin-ah" Jimin huffed but gave in to the older, gratefully accepting the rapper's hands on his sore back and neck.

"What hurts more? What needs the most attention first?" Yoongi asked Jimin as he massaged all areas that the younger's shirt wasn't covering (Jimin's shirt was hanging around his neck, pulled away from his back as much as possible).

Jimin gritted his teeth as Yoongi's hands made their way to his funnel cake-rice krispy shoulders; "The-there Yoongi-hyung, hu-urts m-m-most" Jimin whimpered as the pain was too much. Yoongi frowned and slathered some ice gel over the area, cooling the poor boy's knotted muscles.

Yoongi kneaded Jimin's sore body like a baker would bread, occasionally touching his nose to the younger's head as an attempt to further comfort the aching male. Jimin kept sighing and letting out small sounds of pain mixed with soothed pleasure as Yoongi rubbed the knots away.

"Wah~ah, th-tha-thank you Yoongi-hyung, so much" Jimin sighed out as Yoongi kept massaging him. Yoongi rarely showed any affection towards his members (physical affection anyway), so Jimin felt very special.

"No problem Jimin-ah, I gotchu" Yoongi replied, patting the younger's head with the bottom of a bottle (kind of like when babies stack blocks? grabbing the one block with two hands? idk). After all, Yoongi didn't want to make Jimin anymore dirty then he already was.

The rapper was JUST about to finish when suddenly, there was a knock on the door!

"Uh-oh" Yoongi quickly applied the last of the medicine stuff from on his hand and finished up Jimin's neck. Jimin accidentally let out a soft moan of soothing pleasure as Yoongi finished, the dancer's body no longer in pain.

"O-One wah~.. One second pleaseu" Jimin said as Yoongi quickly tidied everything and washed his hands. Yoongi hadn't used everything, so they could still pay without getting in much trouble (I guess). Jimin slipped his arms back into his shirt and raised his arms, cracking almost every bone. The dancer (having just received the best massage in history) stumbled backwards, catching himself as Yoongi smirked.

"I guess I can call myself a profession masseur, huh?" Jimin nodded, body relaxed an feeling well again. Both boys smiled before opening the door- WAIT!

Jimin's eye smile made an appearance as he hugged the rapper, very happy that the older man had helped him.

The door opened to reveal a very concerned-looking Jin and Hoseok;

"JIMINIE! WE-" "YOONGI-HYUNG! WE FOUND YOU!" Both concerned boys shouted at the same time, so very relieved that they found Jimin and Yoongi.

After explaining what had happened, they all laughed and found a sleeping Jungkook, reading Namjoon, and a very bored-looking Taehyung by the front door of the pharmacy. Jungkook awoke and all seven males walked to their vehicle (AFTER PAYING FOR THEIR THINGS AND TAKING A PICTURE WITH THE ELDERLY WOMAN).


During the car ride, no bones cracked and no there was no vomit-stops. Jungkook took some medicine and his stomach had settled, Jin talked Namjoon into buying himself a book with money from the oldest, and everyone was happy.

 "When did you get that?" Jungkook asked, feeling much better after getting some (much needed) sleep and taking some (much needed) medicine. "Get what? Did Yoongi-hyung sneak some instant coffee?" Taehyung grinned, earning a glare from the rapper.

Namjoon and Jimin took one look at Yoongi's face and instantly cowered away, not getting very far as they were strapped to the seats rather tightly (dang it eomma Jin!). Jungkook laughed, making everyone laugh as well, happy to see their maknae feeling better. Jin parked the car in their driveway and once again stopped the vehicle, Namjoon ordering everyone to climb out and grab whatever was in the trunk.

After everything they had bought was settled somewhere, Jin began cooking dinner.

"Is everyone ok with spaghetti? The lady back in the shop gave me an AUTHENTIC Italian pasta recipe." Jin asked, the elderly woman from the store (Martina was her name) had handed Jin a slip of paper after their picture, telling him that he absolutely MUST try to make it one day for their dinner.

After a chorus of four loud cheers of "YES!" and "Sure Jin-hyung!" along with one lame "Eh", dinner was decided. "THANK YOU ITALIAN WOMAN NAMED MARTINA!" The maknae line along with Hoseok screamed enthusiastically as they read the very nice letter the woman included with the note. Dinner was served and all was well, although the (REAL) chaos began later into the evening..


Greetings reader! We've noticed other writers allowing their readers to comment recommendations for them, please do so (if you have any XD) for us as well! Keep healthy and stay safe everyone :)

- Editor/Translator Ji-ho

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