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Hope you liked Jennie Kim's little appearance! Let me know if you want anyone else to make a hidden entrance, maybe even the rest of Blackpink? Uh-oh, it's research time :\


Jimin laughed, now fully awake and enjoying a "delicious" breakfast with Jin in his hospital room. Day came quickly for the pair and after a few more tests, Jimin will be able to go home.

Jin's windshield wiper laugh sounded throughout the room as Jimin complained about not being able to go to the washroom due to being hooked up to some glittery machinery.

Jennie had popped in the room a few times to bring Jin a pillow, new toothbrush, and a face mask to show how good of a person she could be when she wasn't destroying rude people.

The pair laughed again as Jin shared his horrible experience with Dr. Choi and how Jennie had saved Jimin's innocence by saying something about the doctor's eyeliner being all messed up. Jin's soul left when Jennie explained the meaning of Choi's name and how it was perfect for her;

"When we were in the elevator, Jennie-ah told me Dr. Choi's first name, Emily, and how it meant rival! So, I put two and two together and caught on to Jennie's little joke. You know, because her name means rival? And she was so rude and snobby? PERFECT name for that doctor!"

As they finished their meal, Jin whipped out his phone and called Namjoon:

"Yah! Namjoon-ah, how is everything at the house?"

There was no response, unless you count the muffled coughing, crying, and shouting. This worried the pair for the camera was off, preventing visuals of the phone's whereabouts.

Jin tried again: "Namjoon-ah? JK? Is anyone there?"

Jimin and Jin sat in silence as they waited for some sort of answer. The pair grew anxious as they waited but were patient nonetheless, desperate to know how their brothers were doing.

A minute passed and there was still no answer, only the occasional sniffle as whoever had Namjoon's phone was coughing and shedding semi-silent tears. The person finally spoke, though having said just one word, it was enough for Jin to decide that it was time to leave.


Namjoon watched as the ambulance drove away, not paying attention to anything else until the vehicle was out of sight. To be honest, the leader of Bangtan was feeling kind of down, literally..

When he turned to walk away, the clumsy man tripped and nearly punched the wall. Hey! Who could blame him? A lot has happened to the boys this week, so his focus wasn't at its best.

You see, Namjoon was quite the intelligent egg, but sometimes, his brain farts;

"Namjoon-ah! Get up and find me some cough drops, please." Yoongi helped him from the floor.

The leader nodded and ventured off somewhere in their house, tiptoeing as to not wake Hoseok for the rapper was still asleep despite all the chaos that had occurred just moments before.

When he returned, he discovered that Jungkook had helped Taehyung to the couch and was patting the older's forehead with a wet cloth while Yoongi sat beside them and searched on his phone for.. Chickenpox remedies?

Confused, Namjoon asked: "Chickenpox?"

Yoongi replied with: "Taehyung-ah never had the flu, he has chickenpox.."

Jungkook sighed as he wiped Taehyung's sweaty face to the best of his abilities, leaving for the bathroom with full intentions of returning with a new towel. However, that's not what the world wanted for Hoseok had woken up, ran to the bathroom, and decided that is was his new home.

Jungkook threw the dirty cloth aside and dropped into a crouch by his hyung, gently patting Hoseok's knee as the rapper laid on the floor. Apparently, Hoseok found comfort in the floor as he laid on his back, one hand on his stomach while the other was sprawled out beside him.

They sat there for a moment, content with the somewhat-comforting setting despite Hoseok's occasional moans of pain and the overpowering smell of sweat and vomit. The rapper spoke;

"Jungkook-ah.. The world is spiiinning~

The maknae winced as Hoseok's eyes rolled around, trying to focus on something that wasn't spinning (to him anyway). Jungkook fell backwards as Hoseok suddenly flung himself to the toilet, lurching over the bowl while his knuckles turned white due to his tight hold on the lid.

The rapper/dancer shook as he heaved, body desperate to rid itself of whatever the darned maknae had bestowed upon them all. Jungkook helped the older to his feet, the rapper swayed.

Once Hoseok could stand straight without Jungkook's help, the duo made their way to the living room. However, they instantly regretted leaving the bathroom as soon as they saw the space;

On the couch, Taehyung had a pillow in a death grip while burying his face into the said object.

Namjoon and Yoongi were.. ArgUInG?!

The eldest rapper spoke much louder then he usually did: "Where else then, the zoo?"

"I don't know! You suggested the hospital in the first place!" Was Namjoon's reply.

The pair watched in fascination as they watched the two rappers shout at each other. What! You NEVER hear Yoongi shouting! What else were they supposed to do? Laugh? Run away?! HUH?!

Turns out, the two were arguing over where Jungkook could've caught the virus from. Yoongi had suggested a few places like the hospital, a recent fan meet, the airplane, even the studio!

Namjoon had disagreed for the members all took precaution when it came to travelling, especially when it came to riding alongside strangers on an airplane for half of the day:

"That's impossible!" Namjoon almost laughed, the zoo?

"You're impossible!" Grandpa groaned.

Taehyung quietly sniffled into his pillow, suffering from a horrible headache due to the yelling.

"You're talking a bunch of nonsense! We never went anywhere NEAR the zoo!"

"Then it's got to be the airplane, where else have we been?"

Jungkook was about to intervene when he noticed Taehyung moving from his spot on the couch. The second maknae stood on wobbly legs as he hugged Yoongi from behind, cutting the rapper off as he was in the midst of cursing their leader's ear off. The vocalist cried out;



Here's a longer chapter, enjoy! Don't forget to stream Dynamite and God's Menu!

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