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Sup, how's everyone doing? The author is dumb, so I'm writing this chapter.



"Jimin-ah! Could you get me some water- >COUGH COUGH< please?"

Hoseok hadn't thrown up as much as Taehyung had during the night, but nausea got the best of him in the morning;

"Gross.." Jimin hurriedly brought the bottle of water and held it for Hoseok to drink.

The bags beneath the younger dancer's eyes were quite prominent, he DID spend a few good hours of the night taking care of a throwing-up Taehyung!

BTS were human, so they all are prone to illness.

This however, never stopped them;

Hoseok drank the water quickly, placing the dirty bucket on the floor before climbing out of bed.

He didn't get very far though, as Jimin had stopped the rapper: "Hoseok-hyung, you're sick!"

Jimin placed a hand on Hoseok's stomach as he lowered him back into bed.

"You can't work today, you and Taehyung both. Two sick members means two weeks of rest!"

Hoseok's mouth fell open, there was no way they could take a fortnight off from practice!

"No, no! We NEED to practice more, don't you remember the concerts we have to do!?"

Jimin fought against the older's protests, successfully tucking the sick rapper back into his bed.

Hoseok hated getting sick, it meant that his body was weak and unable to support itself enough to further enhance his energy and power.

In other words, getting sick took working opportunities away.

He couldn't bestow the beauty of tough choreography upon his members.

However, Jimin wasn't having it;

"Now, you stay in bed. I'm going to tell 'mom' that you aren't well, wait here!"

Jimin jokingly referred to Jin as their mother, causing both dancers to laugh uncontrollably (which resulted in Hoseok wincing in pain as his stomach did flips)

Minutes later, everybody's favorite maknae appeared;

"Jungkook-ah, you're lucky! I'd eat you if you weren't so cute~" Hoseok joked when the maknae entered his room with some food, jook and pears with honey to be more specific.

Jungkook chuckled and handed Sun-Boy the tray of food.

He sat beside the rapper and informed him of upcoming meals prepared by Jin;

"On the menu today, chef Jin shall cook some delicious yukgaejang, samgyetang, and even prepare some yuja tea for all our sick patients" The maknae sounded like some television narrator, he had even faked a funny accent and made his voice deeper for Hoseok's sake.

Jungkook's accent and voice erupted laughter from the ill rapper, bringing a smile as well.

On an even brighter note, Taehyung had woken up feeling better! He took a shower before Jimin and Jungkook even woke up and just so happened to have woken up at the same time as Jin.

The vocalist in question joined Jungkook and Hoseok, coughing and sneezing a few times as he entered, but nonetheless he showed up;

"Taehyungie, welcome to The Germ-Hut! A place where all the sick, and ex-sick, are welcome." Hoseok announced, patting his bed as a way to invite him over.

The atmosphere was relaxed, the three men (boys?) were calm and collected and even content as they rested on their backs.

Hoseok shared his food with Taehyung as Jin prepared enough to be divided between the three;

"I love you and all, but.. Jungkookie, please don't get us sick again!" Hoseok laughed.

Taehyung agreed with the latter, flicking his fingers beneath the maknae's chin in a friendly manner. Jimin and Jin entered a few minutes after, awing at the trio..

The tray of food was finished and on the floor, probably making a mess-

But Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok had fallen asleep.

Limbs tangled, arms around waists, heads on pillows, cuddling to their hearts' content.

"A cute scene indeed.." 

The Jinmin pair smirked.




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