Chapter 10

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This stupid scroll!

It had only been a couple days since the first day of classes, but Copper still insisted on giving us a decent chunk of homework. I didn't really mind it for the most part, but the scroll I was using refused to stay open. No matter what I tried to do, it would always end up rolling itself back up.

Growling slightly to myself, I spread the scroll open on the floor, holding it there while I tried reaching for a small rock to put on one of the corners. It was just barely out of my reach, so I stretched my talons a little farther. I barely grazed the surface of it, when--


I jumped, accidentally letting go of the scroll. It snapped shut, bopping me a little on my snout in the process.


I snatched up the scroll again and chucked it across the room. I had a weird thought that for some reason that might help, but it didn't. I scowled a bit, frustrated a bit at myself for thinking that it would.


"What?" I called back. A moment later, Sienna, Nimbus, and a petite SandWing rushed into the cave.

"Kamala, you've got to help us!" Sienna began talking before the other two could say anything. "Razorflight got really hurt today, and we took her to the Healing Center to get Marmoset's help, but he started on this long tangent about the dangers of rocks, and we can't get him to focus! Everyone knows that when he starts talking like that, nothing can stop him. I heard that you were able to help Stormkeeper the first day you were here." It took me a moment to remember the NightWing with the arm injury that I helped with. "I figured that you might be able to help Razorflight as well."

"Yeah, she really needs it." Nimbus finally spoke up, with a look of terror on his face. "She was injured really badly, and I think she might die!"

"It's so cool! I've never seen that much blood before!" The small SandWing was bouncing up and down a little, with a look of pure excitement on her face.

I blinked, then all that they had just told me finally sunk in: there was a badly injured student in the Healing Center who needed my help. I then rushed out of the cave, without a single thought about the history scroll.

I walked quickly through the winding halls, my anxious thoughts moving even faster. What if I'm not able to help her? What if I don't know what to do, and I end up injuring her more? What if she really is dying, and I can't change that? What if I don't get there in time? What if she's already dead?!

It was really a wonder that I hadn't started hyperventilating yet.

I finally burst into the Healing Center, and I scanned the cave. I saw a couple dragons clumped on the other side of it, and I hurried over. I pushed through them, and finally got a good look at the wound that both the other dragons and my own head had convinced me was life-threatening. 

It actually wasn't even close to being as bad as I had imagined. It was just a deep slash on her right shoulder; there wasn't even that much blood. I let out a sigh of relief, and looked around the room for Marmoset. I spotted him by the far wall, holding two rocks. He was talking about something, but either he didn't notice or didn't care that no one was listening to him anymore. He clearly wasn't going to be of any help. I decided to just help Razorflight myself.

As I cleaned out the wound and began making a salve for it, I listened as Razorflight began talking to the others. "Oh, it was so fun! You should've been there! I found the highest ledge in the school, and after I got to the top of it, I put the blindfold on. It was such an exhilarating feeling to be that high and not be able to see anything! After a few seconds of savoring the moment, I finally jumped off! I gave myself two seconds before I opened my wings to slow my fall. I guess I was a little closer to the wall than I realized, because when I did, that's when I got this cut." She gestured to her shoulder. "It was totally worth it though! That was one of the coolest things I've ever done!"

"Wait," I said as I wrapped up her shoulder. "You're telling me that you jumped off a high ledge blindfolded?! That's extremely dangerous. You have no idea how much you could've gotten hurt." Frankly, I didn't even know that.

"Yeah, but I wasn't hurt that bad," she said. "Besides, I always scope out the area beforehand for dangerous things."

And look where it got you.

I just shook my head, and she took that as a sign to leave. The other dragons followed behind her, with Sienna glancing back at me once. "Thanks for your help, Kamala. You're the best!"

I rolled my eyes at that, and turned towards Marmoset. He was still talking to no one, his scales shifting to match each of the rocks he was holding every time he switched focus from one to another. I had a hunch he wasn't going to be done for a while.

Jumping off a high ledge blindfolded. I couldn't believe that was the truth. Honestly, the things some dragons did these days.

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