Chapter 14

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A couple weeks had passed by since the incident in the Prey Center, and we found ourselves with Oriole. "As you well know, the sin θ has the reciprocal of csc θ. You calculate these by using the hypotenuse and the leg opposite of θ." 

I skimmed through the scroll searching for the notes I had taken on this earlier. When I found it, I scratched a few words down next to it, then glanced around. None of the other dragons in my winglet looked particularly interested in this topic, except for Stormkeeper. She had a blissful look on her face, like learning this was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

To each their own, I guess.

While math wasn't my favorite topic, I always tried to pay attention. I hated knowing that I might've missed something if I didn't, which is why I would take notes on just about every little thing Oriole said about it. It was pretty ridiculous, really.

You already know what she's talking about, I thought to myself. You don't need to write it down again. 

I did anyway.

I sighed internally at myself, and listened as Oriole continued on with the lesson. About 15 minutes passed before she finally began handing out small homework scrolls to each of us. "This assignment is due next class time, so I would recommend completing at least half of it now so you don't have to do all of it later."

Oriole was about to explain one of the problems on the assignment, when Gulper shuffled in. He cleared his throat slightly, trying to get Oriole's attention. She didn't notice him at first, so he cleared his throat again, a little more loudly. She still didn't notice him.

"Um, Oriole?" Sienna called out. Oriole finally looked up at this, a slight look of exasperation on her face. 

"Yes, Sienna?" Sienna gestured towards Gulper, and Oriole looked over at him. "What is it, Gulper? Couldn't you have waited a few minutes until I finished explaining this problem?"

"S-sorry," Gulper said in his quiet voice. "But I was told that, uh, this needs to get to Gemini right away. T-they said it was urgent."

Oriole motioned to where Gemini was sitting, and Gulper brought it over to him. As he left the cave, Gemini frowned and opened the scroll.

Oriole began talking again, trying to get everyone's attention back on her. She had almost finished the problem when a loud clatter came from where Gemini was sitting. Everyone looked over at him as he sat with a shocked look on his face, not even bothering to pick up the jar of ink he had just knocked over.

"Um…are you okay?" Kosan asked him.

Gemini didn't give any response that he had heard him though. He grabbed the scroll again, talons shaking. "No, no, no. This can't be right." He muttered this as he read over the contents of the message again, then again.

Oriole, finally noticing Gemini's distress, moved over to him. "Gemini? Are you alright? Do you need to go to the healing center?"

Gemini just shook his head, and continued to stare at the scroll in his talons.

"What's wrong, then?" Sienna asked.

Gemini finally looked up at us. He opened his mouth, hesitated, then finally told us what was bothering him so much. "It's from my aunt. She said there were complications keeping this hidden, so she wanted me to hear this from her and not anyone else."

"Hear what?" I said, and his eyes found mine.

"Apparently...I'm half NightWing."

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