Bruno finds his dad!

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Abbacchio took Bruno and Narancia to this fishing place that wasn't too far from where the house was. By the time they got there it was 11am. "This is the one! He has to be here! We used to come here all the time and look!" Bruno pointed towards a boat that was docked. "That's the boat!!!" Bruno yelped with joy. He really was about to see his dad again after so long. "Alright, you're very excited so let's go." Abbacchio took his lovers hand in his and they started to walk. "HEY WAIT FOR ME!!!" Narancia hurriedly paid for the snacks he was buying and rushed over to the two.

Bruno hopped onto the boat without hesitation. "DAD!!!" Bruno shouted. Bruno's dad popped his head up from a container. "B-Bruno? Is that you my son?!" "DAD!!!" Bruno leapt over to give his dad a hug. "Bruno WAIT I'M HOLDING A CONTAINER OF FI-" Bruno knocked the fish out of his dad's hand without hesitation. The fish flopped around on the boat. "I'm your son! The fish can wait. I'm just so happy to see you!!! I have so much I need to tell you! Oh! And I have someone that I'd love for you to meet and someone else that you should meet as well! Abbacchio! Narancia!" The goth and the small boy peaked their head out from behind a poll on the deck. They hopped onto the boat as well. "Okay! So dad, this is Abbacchio!" Bruno says as he yanks abbacchio into a bear hug." He is my boyfriend of 3 months! Abbacchio, this is my dad of 20 years." Bruno released Abbacchio from his grip. "Hello, Mr.Bucciarati. I'm Leone Abbacchio, your son's boyfriend of 3 mo-" "Oh enough with the pleasantries kid, come here." Bruno's dad gave Abbacchio a bear hug. I guess it just runs in the family. "So, you've been taking good care of my son, correct?" Abbacchio was released once again. "Oh he definitly has. Even before they were dating!!! He follows Bruno around like a puppy dog and treats him like a king!" Narancia interrupted, his mouth covered with cheese dust from the snack he previously ate. "I'm assuming that this is the other person you wanted me to meet?" Bruno's dad said in a bit of a confused voice. "Yep! This is one of the kids that I have adopted into the mafia with me!!!" Bruno took a napkin out of one of the zipper portals on his suit and started wiping Narancia's face clean. "Aww, you have a ki- wait... Mafia... KIDS?! LIKE, MULTIPLE?! WAIT HOW DID YOU DIE WHAT'S GOING AND WHY ARE THEY DEAD WAIT HOWD YOU GET THAT NAPKIN WHAT-" Bruno's dad's face changed to a horrified expression. "Well ya see..." Bruno goes on to explain everything that happened after Bruno's dad died. They all sat on the boat and talked for about 3 hours.

"And that's how we ended up here... it's all because of me... it's all my fault..." Bruno's eyes started to water again and he buried his head in his palms. "Son, it's not your fault, don't think that..." "yeah babe, it was no ones fault. It's just how things went and we all knew it was a possibility." "Yeah mama Bruno! It's okay and we'll be fine! There's no point on looking back at our mistakes and the devastating parts, let's remember the good and happy times!!!"  "Th-thank you all..." Bruno wiped the tears from his eyes. "No problem Bruno, I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now but just know that we're all here for you." Bruno's dad pat him on the back. "Damn, I'm hungry... Can we go get some lunch now?!" Narancia said as he got up. "That sounds pretty good right now, are you up for lunch right now Brubru?" Abbacchio got up as well. "Uh, sure! Dad, we're gonna go now. I'll see you again soon!" Bruno got up and hugged his dad. "Sure thing kiddo, bring your boyfriend with you next time as well. I'd like to get to know him better. He seems like a gentleman though so I trust him with you since he seems to make you happy." He looks at Abbacchio with a, "you better not hurt my son in any way, shape, or form" look. "Don't worry, I won't." Abbacchio smirked. Bruno stared at the 2 with confusion. "Okay, c'mon guys! Let's go get some lunch and then look for my mom!!!" Narancia tugged on Abbacchio's butt cape. "Alright Nara, let's go." Bruno hugged his dad one last time before they left and then they headed over to a restaurant nearby.

Authors note: YAY! I UPDATED!!! AND YOU GET A LONG CHAPTER AS WELL THATS PRETTY HAPPY!!! I HAD A LOT OF FUN WRITING THIS AND HAD A LOT OF MOTIVATION SINCE I JUST FINISHED ALL OF MY BRUABBA WEEK DRAWINGS!!! WOOHOO!!! If you'd like to see my bruabba drawings for bruabba week, they're on my instagram account which is @projectpanic_ uwu. I hope you really liked this chapter!!!

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