A Suprising Appearance

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A couple days have passed since Abbacchio demised and only about 2 hours since Narancia joined him in heaven. Him and Narancia were eating lunch at a restaurant. They were able to see what the gang was doing from a moniter but they left to take a break and eat lunch. Neither of them spoke much, still in disbelief and shock. Abbacchio was trying to be a good-ish father to Narancia but it was harder to do that because Bruno would always help him with those things. Narancia couldn't help but cry and Abbacchio would typcially tell him to shut up but in this situation, Abbacchio understood why Narancia would be devestated and let him cry. "Abbacchio I-Ive missed you so much... I-We could've still been there if we just payed a little more attention..." Narancia kept on babbling about what they could've done and it was reminding Abbacchio about how he felt when his partner died. "Narancia, your starting to sound like me, and for the record, that's not a good thing." Abbacchio felt a bit better now that him and his partner were able to talk things out and resolve Abbacchio's trauma but he still felt horrible for causing his partner's death. Suddenly, there's a rush of loud footsteps approaching Abbacchio and a set of arms wrap around him.

"HOLY SHIT!" Narancia screamed in disbelief. Abbacchio turned his head to see Bucciarati, his face flooded in tears. "A-Abbacchio I..." Bruno nuzzled his face into Abbacchio's shoulder. "Bruno, wha-what are you doing here?" Abbacchio jolts up from out of his seat to comfort Bruno, Narancia doing the same. Bruno collapses on the floor and breaks out into sobbing. "I'm so sorry that I- that you- We- I couldn't save you two..." "Bruno, it's alright, don't worry about it. We knew this was a possibility when we betrayed the boss with you, and it was a risk we were willing to take to help you." Abbacchio said in a sweet voice Narancia had never heard before. "B-but I-" Bruno tried to speak but his throat wouldn't allow him. "Bruno, calm down, we're okay! Come on, it's lunchtime and we can't have you starve yourself now!" Narancia's mood would always brighten when Bucciarati was around and it was no different in this scenario. They went to go and sit back down at their table, Bruno joining them now.

  Abbacchio shared his food with Bruno but Bruno didn't have an appetite so Abbacchio had to feed him to make sure that Bruno ate. Bruno would typically be the one taking care of others but in his state right now, he was the one who needed to be cared for. Bruno was shaking so Abbachio tried to calm him down by petting Bruno's hair and keeping his arm around Bruno while they ate. Narancia practically inhaled his margarita pizza and Abbacchio was feeding Bruno little bites of his pizza. Bruno finally calmed down a bit after a few minutes which relieved Abbacchio. Bruno rested his head on Abbacchio's shoulder, closing his eyes and slowly drifting to sleep. "Looks like Bruno's a bit tired! I mean, with all that crying and sadness, anyone would be tired, but we can't have you falling asleep at a restauraunt! Abbacchio, let's head back home." Narancia ended up finishing Abbacchio's pizza for him as they got up to leave.

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