You Don't Know Me

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"So do you think we should send her somewhere else?" I hear someone, who I'm assuming is a doctor, ask. "Yes, I don't want my sister anywhere near that crazy bitch ever again!" I hear Jinxx say and my eyes snap open.

"Jinxx!" I squeal, sitting up. I jump off the bed in excitement, only to collapse to the ground in pain from my leg. I suddenly remember what happened as the doctor and Jinxx help me up.

"Scar, do you want to go somewhere else?" Jinxx asks and I shake my head. "I made friends here, I don't want to leave them...crap, I don't want them finding out you're my brother" I mumble sadly. "Why not?" Jinxx asks confused.

"I told them that you had a sister and Sam said that she wants to kill her and take her place" I say, laughing slightly. "You know Sam's in a straight jacket right?" The doctor laughs and I shrug. "She can still hate me" I mumble. "Your friends won't hate you, trust me" Jinxx says and I sigh.

"Okay, then I guess we can tell him. Can I have some crutches doctor?" I ask and he gets me a wheel chair. "It's safer" he says. "Jinxx can you push me to the living room?" I ask nervously.

What if they hate me? They are going to hate me. If they don't hate me for being Jinxx's sister, they'll hate me for lying. Sam's going to be so pissed! Maybe I can just go back to my room, they'll never have to find out. I can just tell Jinxx I'm tired. Crap, I'm here already.

"Annabel! You're back and okay!" Jane yells, drawing the attention of the group. "Wait is that who I think it is?" Jess asks, as she puts her arm around Jane. I gulp and look at her. "Y-yes, Jess...this is my b-brother J-Jinxx." I say nervously, looking at Sam in slight fear.

"Oh my god, that's awesome! Why didn't you tell us?" Jay says excitedly. "I was s-scared" I mumble. I'm still looking at Sam, who looks slightly angry. Sam walks away and I look at Jinxx. "Could you stay here with them for a minute?" I ask as I roll myself to Sam.

"I'm sorry" I mumble quietly. She turns around angrily. "It's people like you who give bad names for people who selfharm. You have the most perfect life ever, you have no reason to do this. It's obviously for attention." She yells and I look away.

"You want to know the real reason I do this!?" I yell angrily, causing a bunch of people to look, including Jinxx. "Let's go somewhere private" I mumble and she nods smirking.

I pull her to my room and she rolls her eyes. "So what's your reason, I doubt it's good. What did you get grounded from going to a party?" She asks and I shake my head quickly.

"Okay so you think a famous brother would be great, it's not. Imagine having your parents constantly compare you to him. You did something wrong? Just think of what Jinxx would do. Did something right? He'd do it better.

You go to school and try to get good grades and make them proud. You spend studying instead of making friends. People would start to tease you for not having friends.

Then you'd start getting bullied, physically and verbally. That's when you start cutting, and soon after you start listening to music to help you.

You finally make friends thanks to the music. Sadly though, the bullying gets worse. You start fearing for your life daily, and thanks to you your friends are now being bullied too." I rant, starting to cry.

"I'm so sor-" she starts but I cut her off. "Save it, I'm not done yet" I tell her sadly, really upset that she thought I did this for attention.

"On top of all that imagine having the famous brother that you 'must be so lucky to have' leave you when you need him most. He left before any of this started and had me deal with it on my own. He showed how little he cares for me.

He showed that he was embarrassed by my existence. He didn't tell anyone, not even his own band that I existed. That's how he felt about me" I add and she stares in shock.

I glare at her and roll my wheel chair out angrily. It did feel good to get that all out, but I'm mad that she thought that just because of who my brother is I don't have problems.

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