Chapter 19

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That night that Peter came back home, I slept the best I had since he got back, him on the other hand slept terribly. I woke up twice because he was panting really heavy in his sleep, and the second time he screamed and jolted awake. "Peter, what's wrong?" I said after he had woken up, tears starting to form in his eyes, his breathing very heavy.

"Uhh it was just a bad dream Darling," he said starting to calm down. He shut his eyes really tight and let a sigh out, then looked at me, "but I promise you I'm fine," he gave me a small smile then cupped my face in his hand.

"Are you sure? Because you have been breathing heavy in your sleep all night Peter," I said running my hand through his hair to calm him down a bit.

"Yeah it was just a dream, a bad dream." I spooned him and kept running my hand through his hair until he fell asleep, which took awhile but eventually he did fall back asleep and stayed asleep for the rest of the night, after that I slept, but not as good as I was sleeping before. I was just worried he would wake up suddenly again, I felt bad for him.


The next morning when I woke up, the sun was shining in my face. "Ughh," I rolled over to hold Peter again, but he wasn't there. I started to breathe fast a jolted up.

"Darling! Are you okay?!" he said running towards me and hugging me. My breath started to slow down as he held me close to him, my chest went up and down drastically with each breath but eventually I started to calm down.

"I-I, you weren't there when I woke up. I thought," I stuttered through my words and my voice started to break a little as my breathing slowed down.

"Ohh Darling," he said holding me closer to his body. "I promise you that I will never ever leave without telling you first, but I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." He pulled away from me and looked at me right in the eyes, he studied my face and I could tell he saw the tears that wanted to fall out of my eyes. "It's okay, if you want to cry, you can," he said cupping my face with his right hand. A single tear rolled down my face and with his thumb he wiped it away. "Are you feeling better now?" he asked as he took his hand away from my face.

I sniffled and wiped another tear from my face, "Yeah, I was just so worried that you were gone again, or that I dreamed that you came back," I said in a soft voice as I looked down towards the floor.

"Well I am really here and I won't be leaving you anytime soon," he smiled and looked at me with those beautiful green eyes of his.

"What time did you wake up?"

"About 40 minutes ago," he got up from the bed, "I would have stayed with you, believe me I wanted to, being in your arms like that was really comforting, but I couldn't just stay still. I also just wanted to go check on Felix and the Lost Boys."

"That makes sense," I said yawning and rubbing my eyes. He laughed a little at me, "What're you laughing at?" I said in a playful tone.

"At how cute you are and how much I love you."

Woah updates 2 weeks in a row?!? Who am I? Hopefully I will keep this up.

upload schedule:
'Peter and his Darling' -Mondays at 5pm central
'The New Swan'-Fridays at 5pm central

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