Chapter 1:

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful: Faddist)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


I feel a strong hand grab mine and made me stop in my tracks. I turned to see him,out of breath and looking right at me.

"Mark!Listen to me"he said as he clutched his hand tighter on mine.

"What is it?Are you going to say  you didn't mean it? That she initiated it and you were caught by surprise?"I yelled.

"Mark, you thought it wrong. You got to understand-"he said but I cut him off.

"Don't I always?I am tired of always trying to understand you P'! I am tired of you stringing me along and when the time comes for you to prove yourself to me... you always end up choosing the same one... and it's not me"I yelled.

"Mark, it's not easy. We've been together to a while-"he reasoned out.

"I am tired of you and your excuses P'. It doesn't have to be that hard. Do you love me or not?If time will come,when you have to choose... who will it be?"I asked him as I looked into his eyes.

He bit his lips and looked down.

"I... I don't know..."was all he could reply.

I bit my lip and then sighed.

"I guess,I will never be the chosen one,huh?"I said sadly as I pulled my hand back and  slowly tried to walk away.

"Mark!Where are you going?!" P'Vee yelled as he started following me.

"Please P'! Just leave me alone"

I can slowly see P'North  and  P'Yiwah stepping in between us.

"Ai'Vee, let him go! You have done enough damage" P'North said.

"Come N'Mark, we'll send you home"P'Yiwah said as she slung her arm around me and pulled me the opposite direction.

"Wait!I am not done talking to him"P'Vee yelled.

"Step back man!Let him breathe!"P'North yelled out.

I followed P'Yiwah towards the lot where she parked her car. She opened the doors and  I quietly sat in the back. Moments later,the front passenger door open and in comes P'North.

"Where's Vee?did he follow you?"P'Yiwah asked.

"No, I told him not to"he replied.

He then turns to look at me.

"Are you okay?"he asks,with concern in his voice.

I force myself to smile.

"I will be okay P' ... promise!"I replied.

"N'... do you want to go home?I am scared that Vee will go to your dorm... you already know why. Do you want to stay at my place?"P'Yiwah asked.

"It's fine P', I don't want to trouble you that I already am"I said.

"Trouble me how?"she asked.

"I am just your nong, because of me you guys might have bad blood with P'Vee"I replied guiltily.

"Aish! N'Mark, don't think that way. Yes, we are friends with Vee. But the very fact you are our junior,means  as mentors we look out for you. Plus, someone has to knock that jerk off his high horse"P'Yiwah said,clicking her tongue.

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