Chapter 13:

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful:The Faddist)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


Ever since we saw Day at our university,something just didn't feel right. It felt like we were being watched, both me and P'North. I woke up in bed, in P'North's arms to be exact. I looked up and saw his handsome face inches from mine. I just kept staring at his face, he opens his eyes as I then tried to look away.

"Good morning N'Mark"he greeted me.

"Hmm.. morning P' "I greeted sleepily.

He smiled as he reached out his hand and carressed my cheek.

"You were deep in thought,are you okay?"he asked.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine, just a tad bit sleepy"I lied.

He smiles,raises his hand and ruffles my hair.

"Are you hungry?I can make us some breakfast"he asked.

"Hmm...I can eat.I'll help you "I replied.

He got up from bed as he then held my hand and led us towards the kitchen. He sat me down on of the chairs and he put on his apron.

"Au. I thought we agreed upon that I'll help with cooking"I pouted.

"We did,but I'd rather cook and enjoy the view before me"he said,giving me a wink.

"So cheesy P'North"I teased.

"Only for you though"he replied,making me blush.

I sat there in silence, as he went back to cooking and preparing a meal for us. I watched his lean back,moving back and forth. I liked looking at him, all this time I was so in love with P'Vee that I have totally ignored P'North's feelings. I took my phone and secretly took a picture of him as he was busy in the kitchen. My dumb ass, forgot to turn off the flash and the camera shutter sound that he noticed it.

"Au. All you have to do is say you want a picture of me, I would be more than happy to pose for my future lover"he teased.

"Huh?Who's your future lover?"I asked, blushing and feeling embarrassed at the same time.

"I'm staring right at him"he answered as he looked deep into my eyes.

"P', the food's gonna burn"I said, pointing at the pan.

"Shia!"he cursed as he got back to his cooking.

I could only chuckle at the sight of him frantically trying to save whatever salvageable food there is. He sighed deeply.

"I guess we're eating out...or ordering take out"he said with a defeated tone on his voice.

We took a shower, separately of course. Got ready and headed out the door. We decided to take his motorcycle and went to a new restaurant P'Tharn and P'Ran just opened up(A/N: Damn!Tharn and Ran are loaded.LOL). We drove for a good 20 minutes and then parked his bike in the lot. We slowly made our way inside where P'Ran and P'Tharn were waiting for us.

"P'!' I called out as I gave then both a wai.

"Ah! N'Mark! Good thing N'North brought you with him. I need your help, we are opening up tonight so I need help with decorating the place and taking pictures of food. Don't worry, Tharn will feed you both as well"P'Ran said.

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