Chapter 10

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(Disclaimers: The images and media not belong to me, and more importantly the story &characters are owned by the wonderful:The Faddist)

" this indicates someone is talking"
' this indicates someone's thoughts'
"This indicates someone talking on
the other line of the phone"


P'Tharn and P'Ran helped us clean up after dinner. There was a small fire pit by the lake, we all decided to hang out over there.

 There was a small fire pit by the lake, we all decided to hang out over there

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P'North held my hand as we walked over there,so did P'Ran and P'Tharn. We sat ourselves down and warmed ourselves  by the fire.

"I can't believe tonight's our last night. I don't want to go back"I started the conversation.

"You like nature,don't you N'Mark?"P'Tharn asked.

"Yeah,I do P', I'd prefer it over partying any day"I replied.

"We like to travel. I know, why don't you and  North come with us to a trip in the Philippines. Just a couple of days, somewhere new"P'Ran invited.

"But P', I don't know if I can afford to"I said.

"Nonesense! It's on me N'Mark, take it as my gift to N'North"P'Tharn suggested.

"A gift to P'North?How?"I asked,a bit confused.

"Simple! You make N'North happy, so we'll take you with us as his birthday gift"P'Ran answered.

I turned to look at P'North.

"You didn't tell me it's almost your birthay P' "I told him.

"That's because I don't like celebrating it.. but these 2 always find a reason to drag me out of the house " he replied.

"Coz you act like an old man sometimes"P'Ran teased.

"Let's go P', it might be fun"I said.

"Really? You'd want to?"he asked,in disbelief.

"If it's for your birthday P', I can make some time"I smiled.

He smiles widely and held my hand tight.

"Yes, that would make me the happiest guy alive"he replied.

"You're so silly to be happy over just that"I said.

"It's gonna be the best birthday ever"he said sweetly,making me blush.

My heart starts beating rapidly than before. Am I slowly falling for P'North?

"That settles it, I'm booking the flight on Sunday this week. North's birthday is next Monday. Maybe 3-4 days is enough"P'Tharn said as he was now searching for flights.

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