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Hazel pov
"Hey I am here" I heard a voice say when I looked it was my mom she looked like she have not slept in days

"Mom I am so sorry" I said with tears rolling down my face before she wipped them and kissed my forehead

"My beautiful girl why didn't you call me and tell me about chase? We could have worked everything out" She said thinking the reason I did it was because Chase was cheating on me

"Mom I did not do it because of him" I said crying even more she looked confused but then the doctor came in

"Mrs.Prior you daughter medical problem has to involve the police now" he said with a stern face

"What why?!" My mother asked looking worried not wantting the answer

"Your daughter has been rapped miss"

My mother face dropped as tear kept rolling down her face as she got up and hugged me saying sorry

"I-I am s-sorry I wasn't a good mother to be there for you" she said crying into my shoulder

"Mom I am sorry I should have told you" I said crying about that time we heard a knock

"Come in" my mom said wipping her tears

"Hello I am Detective Scott and I am here to file the rape of Miss Hazel Grace Prior" He said coming in he looked like he was around his late twenties

"Hi I am hazel's mom" I could tell my was just putting up an act to show that she was ok but lets be real what parent wants to hear there child was rapped and commited suicide that same niggts

That is when it hit me where is shawn

"Miss we-" I cut him off

"Call me Hazel" I said still looking for shawn hoping he came back to the hospital

"Hazel we are going to ask you some questions about thaf night"i nodded

"His name is Kevin Reid he spike my drink and took me upstairs before taking things further Shawn Mendes came and stopped him" i said with anger and sadness filled in me all at once

"So this Shawn guy saved you?" He asked writing every word I said

"Yes he took me to his home gave me clean clothes and food so I could get some rest he knew I did not want to see anyone" He nodded as he wrote it down before getting up he said

"He seems like a really good guy from what you told me he really seems to like you" He said with a smile before leaving

"Mom" I said before her shooting up from her chair

"Yes honey" she asked stroking my hair

"Where is shawn?" I asked hoping he was outside

"I have not seen him in two days but everyday and night he came he would bring black and white tulips since the day I told him those were your favourite flowers, he never left your side since" she said smiling as she came into the hospital bed and hugged me

"Do you think-"

"He is madly inlove with you if that is what you are asking, so do you like him?" My mom asked

"I don't know I just came out of a realtionship with Chase" I said looking as my nails

"Hazel I am so sorry" I heard  voice when I looked it was shawn a smile appeared on my face when I saw him

"Are you sure about that now?" My mom said leaving the room

"These are for you" He said putting the tulips in a vase of water

"Thank you shawn" I said as ge sat down next to me

"Are you feeling ok" he asked he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks

"Shawn have you been sleeping" He looked at the floor and nodded no

"E-every time I c-close my eyes that night replays and it kills me that I could not be with you earlier" He said as he eyes filled with water not daring to look at me

"Shawn what happened that night was  not your fault ok" he nodded as he fixed himself in the hospital chair

"What are you doing?" I asked as I watched him fix himself in the chair

"I am never leaving your side ever again" He said looking at me. That is when I knew I loved the guy I barley knew

"What makes you think I would want your annoying ass around me" I asked laughing at hjm,

"You love me so shush" be said smiling at me not taking his eyes off of me

"Come" I said as he looked at me confused

"Why?" He asked getting up. I moved around to give him space in the bed

"Hazel Grace I do not want to hurt you" He said looking sad

"You are not going to Because I am fine" I said pulling him on the be and he did

My Life After You (shawn mendes)Where stories live. Discover now