Jack Brown

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I was walking down by the pool when I saw the prettiest and hottest girl I had ever seen. She had blonde curly hair and stormy grey eyes. She has a beautiful tanned body. She seemed lost so I thought I went over to her to see if she was okay.
"Hi, I was just looking around and I saw you, are you lost or something, because I can help you if you'd like?"
She stood there for a minute and thought about what I said for a few seconds until she answered.
"Actually my boyfriend told me to meet him here but I can't find him anywhere. Have you seen him? He has sea green eyes and black hair." She started describing.
"No I haven't." I lied, I saw a guy walking past who matched her description. Great she has a boyfriend, the one girl that caught my eye and she's taken. Well that won't stop me from getting her. Once she realises how hot I am she'll dump him and come to me.

"Oh, well I guess I'll keep looking," she said, sounding upset. I couldn't stand seeing her upset I changed my mind and decided to help her.
"Actually, umm I think I've seen him somewhere, wait oh yeah I remember, come with me." She followed and I started asking questions about her boyfriend.
"What's his name?" Maybe I knew and I could take him down.
"His name, is Percy Jackson." She replied. Percy Jackson, ugh, I hated him, we have a past where he used to bully me and make sure I was at the bottom of the social class.

We spent the rest of the time in silence because I didn't want to ask anymore questions about the guy I knew.

"Hey wise girl, over here!" Percy shouted. She ran up to him and he kissed her.
"Hey seaweed brain." She said with a smile on her face.
"Hey, Jack Brown, right man it's been a long time how's it been?" He asked me.
"Fine, would you like to introduce to me to your girlfriend?" I asked, I figured it would be helpful I knew her name.
"Well this lovely lady is Annabeth, we've been dating for almost two years now." Percy replied.

Well that's just great. How was I going to break them up now? I thought of a plan.

"Hey Annabeth, you've never been here before right? Let me show you around while Percy gets the drinks." I said hoping they would agree.
"Okay!" She said, she turned around kissed Percy and then went with me.

"Well, here of course is the magnificent pool, where you can either swim or chillax and sun bathe on the seats." She looked at everything while I was explaining it and she kept nodding her head.

When I saw Percy go inside I found my chance to go forward with my plan. She stood there for a whole by the pool observing everything, when I a young man passed by I pushed her into the pool. Immediately I turned around to look at her.
I took my shirt off and jumped in the pool. She wasn't at all intimidated by my six pack.

I got her head and pushed it down, when she was back on the surface she looked at me and yelled:
"What is wrong with you? Why would you do that to me?" She asked me.
"Well a young man walked past and he pushed you in the pool, so I jumped after you and tried to get you back on the surface." I replied totally casual.
"So you thought the best way was to try and drown me." She replied back mad.

I didn't get to answer because Percy came back out with drinks. He saw her trying go get out of the pool, but I was holding on to her feet.

"Percy, over help me!" She screamed.
He put the drinks down and came running over here. He grabbed her arms and pulled her out of the pool.

"Annabeth are you okay?" He asked while wrapping his arms around her.
"This weirdo pushed me in the water and tried to drown me." She said shivering.
"What! Is that true Jack?" He asked but I think he already knew the answer to that one.

"Well, in my defence I was just trying to help her. I was now being grabbed by the hair and pulled out of the pool.

"Okay, umm Annabeth honey why don't you go over by the drinks and wait for me while I deal with him okay." Percy said soothingly in a sweet tone.

Annabeth left me alone with him and I was a little bit worried because he too had a six pack. I was no longer in the pool but standing next to him. He punched me in the face twice and then yelled in my face.

"IF YOU EVER TRY AND GET BETWEEN ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD MORE DAMAGE WILL BE MADE!" And with that he left me standing there. I could feel blood dripping down from my nose and ran inside.

After I promised myself to never try and interfere with someone's relationship, even if the girl was smoking hot.

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