Luna Lee

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My name is Luna. Today we were coming back to school since the incident had happened. The incident happened a few weeks ago when a group of very stupid boys decided to pull a prank on the "Weirdo club". I'll talk about that later, but for now I need to talk about something else.

I was walking to school with my two best friends, Hilda Hall and Sidney Stewart.
"So, are guys excited to back to school?" Hilda asked with no enthusiasm at all.
"No," Sidney replied, "I hate school, the lessons are super boring, I might as well lay in bed all day and all they do is give us homework that is impossible to finish on time." Sidney replied.

"I agree, what about you Luna?" Hilda agreed and asked,

"Actually, I'm kind of excited to go back to school, despite what you guys said which I agree with you know the homework part and the boring classes." I started rambling, "did that make sense?" I asked myself, lost in my thoughts.

"You're kidding?" They both yelled at the same time, "if you agree with what we said then how could you possibly be excited?" Hilda continued.

"I'm going to see Percy again after two weeks of being apart. I'm sure that he has broken up with that stupid blonde and is ready to start a relationship with someone new." I explained.

"Oh, of course, that someone else being you." Sidney said.
"You know me so well." I replied.

We walked into school and said hello to everyone. I am kind of the most popular girl in school. Every girl worships me and wants to be me and all the boys want to date me, even if they're in a relationship.

We walked around a little looking at everyone, I suddenly bumped into something tall and handsome. I looked up to see the most beautiful sea green eyes in the whole world.

"I'm sorry that was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going." We both said at the same time, we then giggled. He gestured for me to speak.

"Don't worry about it," I said, "Hey Percy, how are you? Aren't you glad you didn't get expelled?" I said starting a conversation. I just wanted to stare in those eyes as long as I could.

"Good, umm yeah I guess, but if you don't mind I actually have to meet up with someone so I'll see you around okay." And with that he ran off.

Ugh, he was in a such a hurry that I didn't even get to say goodbye. But I didn't want that to bother me because sooner or later he would ask me out. The day went by until it was time for 4th period. It was French class. I don't really like French but I do my best because I know that Percy's really good and I would do anything to impress him.

I came in the class and sat down in my usual spot. If anyone sits there, they get booted off with my booty.
I waited for everyone to come in, I soon saw Percy come in and he sat down in front of me. He kept looking at the door like he was waiting for someone to come in. But who?

"All right everyone, let's start our lesson, today we will be learning how to conjugate irregular verbs." The teacher said in an exciting voice. Was the teacher actually happy because I know if I was standing there I wouldn't be happy.
"Before we do though we have someone in coming later, so will someone be willing to take down notes for her?" He asked looking for a show of hands.

One hand shot up like a bullet and that hand belonged to the brilliant Percy Jackson the love of my life. The teacher nodded and I saw the hand go down.

Half an hour later a blonde girl came in through the door and sat down next to Percy, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. She sat down with the notes that Percy had been taking. He whispered to her what they had been doing and we continued with the lesson.

At the end of the day I went looking for Percy to ask him the big question.
I found him and Annabeth standing by the lockers talking and giggling.

"Hi guys, umm Percy can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked.
"Uh, sure." He replied.
"So, I heard about this new coffee shop that opened up and I was wondering if you would like to go with me?" I said.
"Actually, Luna, I'm still dating Annabeth." He said
"Yeah and I heard about it too I'm actually taking her there tonight for our 2 year anniversary." He explained.
"WowM I didn't know you were into bitches like Annabeth, hope you enjoy your date." I said in a bitchy tone and with that I was off.

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