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Hi, I am Henry and tomorrow we were finally going to graduate from high school. But before I do, I am going to ask the girl of my dreams to become my girlfriend. Her name is Katie. She has a boyfriend named Travis but not for long. Anyways, things didn't exactly go as planned. Let's begin.

It all started the day before graduation day. I am kind of the most popular guy at school, who am I kidding I am the most popular guy at school, and the hottest guy. I could get any girl I wanted. The girl I wanted was currently in a relationship with someone else but I was determined to make that change.

The day we graduated was the worst day of my life. I had turned down a million girls for the graduation dance just so I could be with Katie. The day before graduation.
"Hey Katie." I greeted her when
"Oh hey Henry." She said.

"What's up you seem down, is something wrong with Travis, don't worry he doesn't deserve you anyways." I said, uh oh, what if she didn't break up with him?

"Woah, back up, I didn't break up with Travis, and don't say he doesn't deserve he is a great guy and nothing you said could change that." She said getting defensive.

"I'm sorry Katie, I shouldn't have just jumped to a conclusion, if you guys didn't beak up then what is wrong?" I said apologetic.

"It's okay, the reason that I'm upset is because Travis can't make it in time for the graduation ceremony tomorrow." She explained sadly.
Okay let me explain, Travis went on a little holiday trip for the weekend and was supposed to come back Wednesday. (graduation) Today is Tuesday. Anyways, me being the sympathetic, caring guy I am always am I tried to comfort her.

"It's okay, you know I don't have a date either for the party, maybe we could go together?" I asked with hope in my voice.

"Umm, sorry Henry but he's just not coming for the graduation, he'll be here for the party. Look I'd love to chat but right now I need to get to class." And with that she was off.

The day went by, boring classes, blah blah blah.
Before I knew it, we were three hours away from the graduation ceremony.

"Hey, Henry great news..." I heard Katie shouting from down the hallway.
"What is it, did you and Travis break up, you know I would've done it long ago but I guess it makes sense, you know you deserve someone much better,someone who cares, someone who doesn't stand you up on one of the most important days of your life an.." I didn't get to finish because she pushed me away.

"Don't you ever say that about Travis, I know he was supposed to come today but just because he can't make it in time does not mean I would break up with, it's not his fault, and if I were to go out with someone else you would be my last pick. Actually I would never lick someone else, no matter what you say he will always be loving and caring. Being late once doesn't change that......" I could tell she wasn't finished but someone made her spin around and stop talking.

"Travis, what are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I wanted to surprise you, but I think I'm the one whose surprised, why were shouting at him?" He said/asked.

"Henry thought I broke up with you and he said that I deserve someone better, and all that s**t. But I stood up for myself and you of course and....." She was making me look like the bad guy here, I mean her boyfriend makes her think that he won't be able to come yet just shows up with an explanation, time to make my move.

"All right let's just take a step back okay, listen Katie, I know that you say you love Travis, but you would be so much happier with me, I could rock your world every day, and don't forget that I wouldn't make you worried by saying that I....." Before I knew it she lunched me in the face..

"Don't you ever say that about Travis again, he is an amazing guy, and I would NEVER date you. Come on Travis, we have a graduation ceremony to go to." And they just walked off, leaving me there with a bloody nose leaning against the lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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