Chapter 13, Thank You Mistletoe

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*Sarina PoV*

We were all in the Dining Hall eating breakfast.

Today is the day that everyone, who can or wants to, is going home.

I saw Sirius tying a mistletoe onto the tip of his wand.

'What in the world is he going to do now?' I thought to myself.

"Sirius what are you doing" I asked.

"Well as you can see I'm tying a mistletoe to the tip of my wand" he said.

"I know that, but why?"

"I'm going to use it to try and get a Christmas kiss from Alisa" he said looking proud.

"Your so weird" I said.

'You should try it with Remus' Sirius said in my head.

I blushed crazily.

'You keep quiet!' I screamed at him telepathically.

He just smiled mischievously and went to go find Alisa.

*Sirius PoV*

I have an awesome plan to get Sarina and Remus together.

I went around to find James, Lily, Severus, and Regulus to get them to help me.

I found them and took them to the Shrieking Shack to talk about the plan.

We decided that we would get them alone together when we go to Hogsmeade today but follow them under James' invisible cloak. Then when we think the time is right we, make a mistletoe appear above them.

I was a genius plan.

We left to get ready for Hogsmeade.

"I really hope this plan works. They are perfect for each other" said Lily.

*Sarina PoV*

I was walking to Hogsmeade with my friends dressed in back jeans, a purple sweater, a dark purple jumper, white gloves, and my white snow boats (I really like purple, just incase you didn't notice).

"Well Lily and I need to go get something so we'll see you guys later" said James as he left with Lily.

"Oh gosh I totally forgot to get something. I'll meet up with you guys later" said Severus running away, his green scarf flapping behind him.

"Hey um I still need to get a present for one of my friends so I'll see you later" said Regulus.

"I think I just saw Alisa. I'm gonna go say hi, see ya later" said Sirius and before I could say anything everyone was gone and I was left alone with Remus.

"Well that was strange" said Remus.

"Yeah really" I agreed.

We walked around stopping at Three Broomsticks to have some butterbeer.

When we left I couldn't help but think that someone was watching us.

We went to Honeydukes and Remus, being the gentlemen he is, got me some chocolate frogs.

When I turned around I swear I brushed against something but nothing was there.

I was really enjoying my alone time with Remus.

"Hey, want to see something cool?" Asked Remus holding out his hand.

"Sure" I said as I took his hand blushing a little.

He took me deep into a part of the forest.

"Ok, so since this is your first time seeing this I want it to be a surprise so I'm going to cover your eyes but don't worry I'll lead you there" said Remus looking excited.

"Ok" I said.

Remus stood behind me and covered my eyes with his left hand and held my right hand as he lead me deeper into the forest.

I'm glad that he was behind me otherwise he would see the blush that was spreading on my cheeks.

"Alright were almost there, now take a big step there's a tree root in front if your left foot" he said softly.

I did as he said we walked a little more and I stepped on a loose rock and slipped a little.

Remus' grip on my hand tightened as I feel against him a little and he pulled me back up.

"Oops sorry my fault" he said as I giggled.

I realized it got a little colder when Remus stopped.

"Alright here we are" he said.

He uncovered eyes and I saw the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

The trees were covered in frost and they looked white. There were ice sickles everywhere that made it look like someone had put up Christmas ornaments. The ice sparkled like diamonds.

"Remus this is beautiful" I said in aw.

"It only does this during winter. I found this place a while back and I've been meaning to show you but I just didn't know when" he said.

I realized we were still holding hands but I didn't care.

I looked at the forest around us.

"Somehow it's colder here then the rest of the forest but it sure is amazing" said Remus.

I turned around still holding his hand and faced him.

"It really is. Thank you for showing me" I said and smiled.

"Your welcome" he said.

I realized how close we were and I was about to step away when I heard something above us.

We both looked up and there at the top of a small tree we were standing next to was a mistletoe.

I blushed and looked at my feet.

Remus put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up so that he could look at my eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes" he said softly as he leaned in.

I was about to kiss him when we heard a person shout/whisper.

"Ow that's my foot" I immediately recognized it as the voice of my twin brother Sirius.

Oh bloody hell.

Remus and I turned towards the voices and could see foot prints on the ground.

I took out my wand.

"Accio Cloak" I said.

The cloak flew towards the left hand (because Remus was still holding my right hand).

There stood Sirius, Regulus, James, Lily, and Severus, frozen where they stood seeing as there cover was blown.

"Honestly you guy? Did you plan this? Oh no don't answer I already know that the answer is yes, and seriously you too Severus?" I said annoyed.

Severus looked down sheepishly.

"Sorry, we couldn't help it" said Lily.

"This is our business not yours" said Remus who looked as annoyed as I was.

"I know but you guys were taking it too slow" said James who instantly regretted it.

Remus and I got even more irritated.

"Too slow!" I yelled.

"Well I hope you guys are fast runners because I can cast spells faster them you can blink" I yelled.

They all turned around and ran.

I was about to follow them and soak then with Aguamenti them when Remus pulled me back and planted a kiss on my lips.

I was shocked but soon kissed back and it felt like the muggle holiday 4th of July was happening.

We broke apart and smiled at each other.

"Thank you mistletoe" I said laughing as we walked away hand in hand to go hex our friends into oblivion.

Merry Christmas my wonderful readers!!! Thank you for reading my fanfic so far. Have a wonderful Christmas/ Hanukka/ Kwanza/ Winter Solstice and New Year (and anything else I might have missed).

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