Chapter 14, Trap!

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Hello my readers! I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages!! >.< I beg for your appologies! Please enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 14, Captured

*Sarina PoV*

Today had been pretty odd.

I've been getting a feeling that something bad is going to happen all day. It's kind of driving me crazy.

It got even worse when I got to my Divinations class with Ms. Trelawney.

Nothing bad happened during class but after class is when the weird thing happened.

I went back in to ask her a question when I saw her sitting at her desk mumbling about someone.

I stepped closer.

"Ms. Trelawney?" I asked timidly.

"She will be taken. She will be taken. Do not let her be taken" she said.

I listened noticing that she was having a vision.

"The savior to the Wizarding world will be taken. She will be taken by Death. She must be rescued, if not rescued she will die!!" She said.

"Protect her. You must protect the savior. Do not let Death come near her or her brother. They are both too important to lose. If even one is lost the Wizarding world will be doomed to Death!" She said as I started to get scared.

Her head snapped up.

"Oh hello. Do you need something?" She asked as if nothing had happened.

"Uh nope. Goodbye" I said and ran back to the Common Room to tell the others what I had just heard.

--Time Skip--

"But who's the savior" asked Remus.

"I have no idea who, but I think we should tell Professor Dumbledore do so that the savior will be kept safe" I said.

"Alright lets go tell him" said Sirius jumping up.

We left the common room and ran to Dumbledores office.

I got to the griffin statue, whispered the password and zipped up the stairs.

"Professor Dumbledore I must speak with you!" I said running into his office.

"And what might that be?" He asked.

I explained to him what I heard from Trelawney.

"It's a good thing you told me this. We must put Hogwarts on high alert" he said.

He told us to return to our common room and to not let anyone else leave until morning.

We nodded and hurried back to the common room.

"That was kind of freaky" says James.

"Yea" I agree.

--Time Skip, Next Day--

I was walking to the Black Lake to wait for my brothers, Remus, James and Lily.

I was daydreaming again about my Christmas kiss with Remus an didn't notice someone approaching me.

"Hey Sarina" says Narcissa.

'Hmm strange, she usually doesn't talk to me' I think to myself.

"Hey Narcissa. Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask.

"Umm...y-yes could you help me find my book I lost it close to the Forbidden Forest" she says softly while not looking me in the eyes.

"Why were you over there?" I ask suspiciously.

"Some Gryffindor boys took my book and I followed them to the Forbidden Forest when I saw that they didn't have it anymore. Can you please help me? I don't like being over there alone" she pleaded.

"Alright, lets go" I say.

We walk over to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, in silence, when Narcissa suddenly stops.

"Oh, I can't do this! Sarina you need to run, run back to your common room and don't go anywhere alone!" She tells me scared.

"What? why?" I ask.

"I can't tell you our they'll hurt me but please just run while you can" she says pushing me in the direction of Hogwarts.

"Why hello Sarina" says a venomous voice.

I turn around and see Lucius and Bellatrix smirking.

"You just had to try and double cross us didn't you, Narcissa" spats Bellatrix.

"I'm sorry" Narcissa says, her hands shaking a little

"What are you guys doing here? You were suspended" I glare at them.

"We just had something we needed to pick up" says Lucius as he smirks at me.

"Stupify!" Yells Bellatrix.

Before I could take my wand out the spell hits me and I fly into a tree while everything goes black.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN!! Cliff hanger! I know I hate them too but I will update soon so have no fear my readers

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