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It's not that I'm wishing for a happy ending,

I simply want closure

To this continuous confusion I'm suffering,

So I can fix my composure

Into the dark pools of your eyes,

I try to swim

Into the cold thoughts in your head,

I attempt to skim

Your mysterious, guarded heart is what I try to figure out,

But I walk into a dead end,

Before I could distinguish you from the crowd

What question is it that I want an answer to?

It's how you captured my heart,

While I was unwilling,

But ended up saying "I do."

You invade my thoughts every night,

That I become restless

"Do I also keep you up at night?"

Is a question I always guess

The answers I try to get from you,

They seen unattainable

But when I do,

I know that heartbreak is inevitable.

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