The Truth

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As night fell on the camp and the students got ready for bed, they all went to the gender-separated rooms, feeling drained of the challenge they had throughout the day. It wasn't helped by the fact that they had a plus one to babysit now.

As the boys went into their bedroom, they sighed in relaxed ecstasy at the sight of the beds. But then their mood was then dropped a bit the moment that Izuku jumped down on to one of the beds. "First come, first served!" He stated with a smug grin on his face.

Realizing that there was no way around it, Iida let out a tired sigh before he turned to Kaminari. "Well, Kaminari, which bed do you want?" He questioned the electric boy, unaware of the angry look that Midoriya sent towards him.

"I mean..." The young blond began, but he couldn't state his choice before the green-haired youth on the bed threw a pillow at him, knocking Kaminari back.

Everything was quiet for a moment before every young man in the room ran over to the nearest pillow. The next few moments started a war of fluff and feathers as they began beating each other with the puffy weapons.

Meanwhile, in another room, Aizawa let out a sigh before taking a look at the text that Nezu sent him. It looks like things are gonna look up for him soon.

Now if those dumbass children wouldn't kill one another by then...

The Next Day

As the new day started, class 1a began their intense training camp regiment. Mr Aizawa made sure they were bringing their quirks to new levels. Every student were trying their absolute hardest and wouldn't let anything get in their. But wild Izuku Midoriya was wilding about, making everything a competition.

Tsuyu Asui was using her frog abilities to climb up the mountain, she was taking her time, until...

A green blur sped right past her at incredible speeds. Tsu was known for having a nonchalant expression usually but this scared her a little bit.

"HAHAHAHA! Take that frog girl!" Midoriya said as he was already at the top, pointing down and laughing at her.

He was wearing the same attire as yesterday, the day he man handled the twenty most promising pupils in Japan. The boar mask included.

"Midoriya's at it again!" Jirou scoffed. Her and Mina were at the bottom of the mountain were Tsu and Midoriya raced and just witnessed how fast the boar man could be.

Ejiro Kirishima and Mashiro Ojiro we're currently fighting to improve their quirks durability and strength, with the tailed boy hitting the red head.

"Hell Yeah! After this training camp my quirk is going to be soo much stronger!" Kirishima prided himself with. "I have to agree with you there, this is a great opport-OH MY GOD KIRISHIMA ARE YOU OKAY" just as Ojiro was talking, a wild Izuku Midoriya head butts the boy who destroyed his beautiful blades.

Kirishima was sent flying across the field and was out cold. Not even his hardening could withstand the boar boy's power. "YESSSSSSS!!!!! MY HEADBUTTS ARE STRONGER!" Izuku cheers jumping around like the animal he was.

His antics were getting worse by the minute, he was suddenly wrapped by strands of white cloth, restricting his movements. "Mother Fucker!" Izuku growled.

"Listen up! I suggest you clean up your act and not harm my students or I will lock you up in that room again!" Aizawa ordered with his hair standing upwards. Izuku's eyes widened dramatically, he gasped as well "You wouldn't dare" he growled back.

The tired hero just sighed and let go off him. Leaving him be.

Izuku was bored. He watched over all of class 1a training with their quirks. He could see how powerful they were and knowing that the man handled them all gave him a smug grin.

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