His Declaration and the Discovery

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Kaden looked from Katarina to Arabella who was now surrounded by Ashik, Damien and Jarrus. Arabella didn’t meet his gaze; instead, she pinned her eyes on Katarina who trembled beneath her stare. Kaden frowned before he moved to block Arabella’s view of Katarina. She finally pulled her green eyes from Katarina and they landed on Kaden’s determined features. She frowned.

“I want you off of my ship.” Kaden suddenly declared. Damien’s eyes widened as Ashik did the same thing.  Jarrus turned swiftly and limped toward him. His face told Kaden that the old pirate was instantly against the idea. Arabella was silent as she met Kaden’s determined gaze. Katarina stood behind him, looking somewhat triumphant. Kaden waited for Arabella’s response. He expected anger.

“Fine, but I am taking Damien and Ashik with me.” Arabella agreed simply as she turned to leave.

“Bella!” Damien objected instantly. He reached his hand out to grip Arabella’s arm to stop her, but she snatch it out of his grasp.

“Bells, what the ‘ell are ya doin’ girl?” Jarrus asked as he turned to Arabella in surprise. Arabella sighed.

“I only have one goal: kill the witch. It is clear that Lockes’ priorities have shifted. If he truly wishes for me to leave the ship, then I do not need him.” Arabella replied easily. Jarrus and the others stared at her in shock. Even Kaden’s eyes were wide. She was being far too easy. It was unsettling, but Kaden didn’t let up. Something wouldn’t let him.

“Why not take Jarrus with you?” Kaden questioned.

“Calypso was, is, and always will be Jarrus’s ship. I refuse to take him away from it.” Arabella answered as Katarina scoffed at her words. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at Arabella’s back.

“Bella, we can’t just…” Damien started but Arabella was quick to cut him off with a single look.

“We can and we will. Ashik, change forms.” Arabella ordered as Ashik bowed his head before he turned to the edge and dove off of the side. There was no pleading. No threats. No last minute goodbyes. The moment Ashik’s large, reptilian head appeared next the ship Arabella grabbed her brother and jumped onto his crown. And then they were gone. Kaden felt oddly empty. He expected a fight. He expected something other than what had gone down. The crew was silent as Jarrus clenched his fists at his sides and turned to Kaden. Absolute fury darkened his features.

“What is wrong with you boy?”

“It’s not like she was important!” Katarina replied heatedly as she moved to stand in front of Kaden. She wore a triumphant grin as Jarrus suddenly grabbed her throat. She let out a squeak of fear.

“You are not important, you ignorant whelp. And you’d realize that Lockes if you weren’t being bedeviled by this harlot!” Jarrus growled. Katarina’s eyes widened as Kaden pulled her out of Jarrus’s grip. The old man scoffed before limping away, pushing stunned crewmen out of his path. No one said a word.

Katarina felt immeasurable pride at the pull she had over the men that now surrounded her. Well, every man except the old captain who glowered and scoffed every time he saw her. Maybe she could get rid of him next. She didn’t have a lot of time to plan Jarrus’s removal before Maera’s voice interrupted her thoughts.

Is she gone?

“Oh yes! Maera, it was amazing. You should’ve seen the depressing look she wore!” Katarina replied aloud even though her conversation was mental. There was no one around her and she was too happy to care. She was free of Arabella Cartridge and her unwilling brother and ward. Now she had Kaden all to herself.

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