Character info

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Right, here's the basics of the characters!

A little note, all people of Kryla have snake like eyes.

Virgil Storm:Kryla, adopted son of Dolion(Deceit), brown hair, blueish green eyes, black bat-like wings. Can create rings of orange light around his limbs.

Roman Mage:Mir, son of King Harrol, dark brown hair, gray eyes. Really good with a sword. Mom was Kryla Next to inherit the throne, but doesn't really want to.

Patton Baker:Mir, son of the town baker, dark blonde hair, blue eyes, freckled boi. Dad friend, really good at baking. Tries to keep Roman from doing dumb things but always ends up getting dragged in.

Remus Mage:Kryla, used to be Mir but left, dark brown hair, green eyes, small grey feathered wings, would've inherited throne. Dating Dolion

Logan Lunar:Mir, son of the royal adviser. Black hair, dark blue eyes. Only reason Roman and Patton aren't dead. Mom friend.

Dolion Zemya(Deceit):Kryla, tribe leader, black hair, one yellow eye and black eye, pretty big fin-like wings. Adopted Virgil, dating Remus, wants what's best for his tribe but is not the best at helping people.

Thomas Sander:Mir, ya'll know what this man looks like, just some random guy that keeps getting pulled into the prince's bullshit, has no clue what he's doing most of the time, just wants to help his friends.

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