"Another Day Another Dawn"

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Heya! Welcome to my new book! I'm very excited to start something fresh and new! trying out different more descriptive writing styles. I do hope you enjoy! check out my profile for more stories and check out the conversation area! (there I will post new books that will be coming out as well as the date, and announce new chapters and what day they will be posted! only followers get these announcements!) I will reply to any questions, comments, and or suggestions! ENJOY!  <3

(1272 words)

Grains pov

I woke up to the gentle sunlight that shone on my face, sitting up straight in my bed, I removed the covers from my lap and swiftly stood up, the heavyweight returning to my shoulders. I sighed gathering my stuff from a chest beside me. I walked out of my base and onto the soft grass as a gentle breeze swirled by, my thoughts swirled and went through everything I needed to do today. I won't bother with breakfast, I thought as I walked through my starter base, better look like I'm out and about like normal, I thought. I swiftly took out my elytra and attached it to my back, might as well head to the shopping district, I said blasting off fireworks towards my nether portal.

I flew down from the portal ledge and walked around the area of shops, do they have a weapon shop here? I questioned, no don't think like that grian. I continued to walk through the district I picked up a few things but found my self standing outside the weapons shop. After a moment's hesitation, I stepped inside scanning the walls for what I needed.

I left going home, wandering inside knowing other hermits saw me so no one would be worried. I sat my shulker boxes down as I sat down. I let out a sigh sinking into the floor as I sat there.

Knock knock

"Grain?" The voice called out

"Grian?" You here bud?" They called

I got up reluctantly and put a smiley happy face as I went outside.

"Mumbo?" I question as I saw the taller man

"Yeah,  what's up?" he said

"Nothing much, what're you doing here?" I questioned softly

"Haven't seen you much wanted to see how you're doing?" he said kindly

"I'm doing alright," I said as happily as I could

"How bout you?" I asked

"Good, good," he said seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

"May I come in?" He asked

"Oh yes, of course, sorry," I said

He came in and looked around.

"This place is small and nice, but I assume your new base will be so much better, it already looks so good" he smiled

"Yours too," I said genuinely

I picked up a shulker box on the floor and put it away.

"you really need a storage system," he said chuckling

"Yeah, you should see what it looks like outside my new base," I said giggling.

Mumbo's phone started ringing replacing the silence between us. He answered it and then briefly told me iskall wanted some help then briskly turned and left. I said goodbye softly he waved as he set off on his elytra.

I let out a soft exhale in my now empty base, I shivered as a draft blew by, the home seemingly more empty after mumbo left. A tear softly rolled down my pale cheek as I stood there, numb I softly turned to see the shulker box as I bent down to open the purple object. I removed my new sword from its contents as I softly rolled up my sleeve and placed the steel blade onto the top of my left arm, I could already feel the blade pierce the skin as I slid it across a few times. my eyes focused on the red liquid that seeped out of the wounds. The small tap of blood hitting the floor filled my ears as I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I rolled down my sleeve and set the sword back into the box slightly covered in blood. I turned and softly walked outside of my base and taking off with my elytra. I landed softly onto the soft green grass, I felt the breeze swirl past as the sun began to set. I walked to the ledge and sat down onto the warm grass, looking up into the pale orange sky as I exhaled. The winds softly stirring the trees as the warm breeze flows by. This is so beautiful and nice, but why, why do  I feel so sad? I questioned looking down at my lap as the wind got colder and the sun went behind the mountains.

I leaned back into the grass laying on my back exhaling deeply, My red sweater ruffling in the wind. I shivered but didn't mind the cold I couldn't bring my self to move, as the night went on it got colder making me curl in on myself shaking violently. I still couldn't move as my mind was numb and blank. If only mumbo was here, I thought no, no he doesn't like me, he has to hate me I'm so annoying, at least that's what I think. I curled into myself farther as the winds got rougher.

I could hardly keep my eyes open as the cold air touched my face, dawn was nearly there, as I was fighting consciousness. I let my strength slip as I had no will to stay awake as my body continued shaking, I slowly slipped into darkness.

~Mumbo's Pov~

I woke early this morning feeling a cold breeze flow through the room. It must have been cold last night, I thought aloud. I got up stretching as I walked outside to the warm sun, it was sunny but still very windy. I took out my elytra and decided to go for a fly this beautiful morning. I put on my elytra as I took my fireworks out gently taking off into the cloudy sky.

as I was about to fly back to my base to start my day, I saw something red in the corner of my eye.  I turned around gliding down to the red object, I got closer only to realize it was grain laying in the grass as the cold wind ruffled his hair and sweater. I landed beside him to wake him to ask what he was doing out here so early. I knelt down to shake him only to notice him shaking ever so slightly, I reached down and touched his hand. My eyes widened as his hand was ice cold and pale, I moved his blonde hair off of his eyes and saw his pale face his lips slightly bluey purple as well as his cheeks, with a soft, cold expression.

I panicked, I sucked in a sharp breath as I pulled out my phone now cradling grain holding him close to my body trying to warm him up.

"Iskall!" I yelled panicked

"dude, what it's early" he replied tiredly 

"I found grian outside he's freezing and unconscious." I ranted panickily

"I'll be at grians base in a few," he replied quickly.

I picked grian up off the grass and took off on my elytra carrying grian back to his base. 

"what were you doing out there grian," I mutter aloud.

Sorry, I'm gonna have to leave it there I will, post on the conversation area (followers will be notified of this) when the next chapter will be coming out! I hope you enjoyed, see you guys in the next chapter! <3


&quot;Why Am I So Sad?&quot; ~'Grumbo A Hermitcraft fanfiction'~Where stories live. Discover now