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It's been about a week .

I think Austin knows about Zion and I , Austin hasn't said a word to me since .

I know he's pissed off but he will get over it .

I decided to go into his bedroom to try and talk to him , idk how this is gonna go but uh I hope it goes well .

I walk in and he's playing video games . I decided to not bring Zion because that would make it worse .

"Hey Austin , can we talk" I say as I shut the door "if it's about Zion , then no" he said not taking his eyes off of his tv .

"Austin please , can we just talk" I say as I sit down on his bed . He puts his controller down and turns around in his chair to face me .

"Zion treats me really well Austin , I know that he loves me a lot and I love him just as much just please be happy for me Austin I don't wanna keep fighting like this" I say . "He's just gonna screw you a few times and forget about you y/n , I've seen him do it with girls one night and the next morning he just ghosted them , I don't want you getting hurt Zion doesn't belong with you , you deserve someone better then that someone's who's gonna actually take care of you and love you" Austin said .

"He isn't gonna do that Austin I know him better then that , this isn't just casual hook ups Austin me and him wanna date" I say . "He don't wanna date you , he just wants to see how many times he can get in your pants before you realize he's using you" Austin said . "Why do you have to be so freaking negative Austin ? That's in his past he isn't like that now" I say .

"He is like that now y/n I've realized since you moved in that you two were always flirting and I caught him with a girl one night before you guys were actually a thing , I don't want him hurting you" Austin said . "So what , it don't matter Austin I've done the same thing before why do you have to judge him so much you act like I haven't had one night stands or affairs before" I say .

"Your different you wouldn't use anyone but he would he's using you just to get in your pants y/n your my lil sis and I don't wanna see you get hurt" Austin said .

"He isn't like that Austin" I say getting kind of loud . "He is y/n he just wants to fuck you and your failing to see it" Austin yelled back .

"He wouldn't do that to me Austin" I say as tears formed in my eyes "Yea , you said the same thing about Brandon , you were having an affair with him and he was running around on you , what you think I forgot of course I haven't I haven't forgave him ever since all he wanted from you is what's between your legs and you know Zion is the same" Austin said .

"It wasn't like that with Brandon , we weren't into each other we were just friends Austin , me and Zion are serious" I say . "Whatever , but when he breaks your heart and you end up pregnant don't come running to me because I warned you" Austin said .

I walked out and slammed his bedroom door . I bump into Zion . "I heard what you guys were talking about" Zion said. I went in for a hug and he backed away "what" I say as I look up at him . "How could you have fucked Brandon and never told me" Zion said getting offended "Zion , it was in the past please can we just talk I'm really upset" I say . "Yea and I'm really fucking upset too , your telling me that Brandon and you used to fuck around with each other ? When were you gonna tell me this" Zion said getting kinda loud .

"I'm sorry , can we please just talk about it and not yell" I say . "No , your telling me you fucked one of my band mates and your just now telling me ? Have you been fucking him while you were fucking me" Zion said "no Zion" I yell since he was getting loud as well .

I went to walk into his bedroom and he grabbed my wrist "don't step foot into my room , your a fucking slut" Zion said .

I looked up at him "really ? Are you fucking kidding me Zion , Brandon and I are in the past I don't mess with him anymore Zion I don't judge you for your past and for all the girls you have slept with" I say . "That don't matter your different you slept with my band mate" Zion said .

"It's not different Zion , I was stressed out and I just needed relief I didn't even think you actually liked me like that" I say .

"Get the fuck out of my house please" Zion said "Zion please , can we just talk" I say .

"No leave before I lay hands on you and do something I regret" he said . I felt his tension build up so I left .

I grabbed my car keys and walked out . I think he just needs time to calm down but I can't forgive him he called me a fucking slut .... 

ZION KUWONU : best friends lil sister 🤪Where stories live. Discover now