Chapter 14

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-Liam's POV-

I was currently building a small garden area near our house, thinking about what had happened a day ago... I... I still was a bit shocked and shaken up... "Nightmare king... The Lady that took over my sister... Maybe those things are both related to each other..." I mumbled to myself "Maybe that lady actually is the darkness... Maybe Lucy won't be herself anymore-" I was suddenly cut of by Sabre, who put his hand on my shoulder. "Liam? What're you doing over here all alone?" He sounded rather concerned about me. I... don't like that. I don't like it when people are too worried about me. "Just thinking." I exclaimed and brushed his hand off of my shoulder, before getting up. "About what happened with Lucy and nightmare Steve...?" He asked. I sighed and turned around to him... "Yes Sabre. But I'm mostly worried about Lucy. I don't even want to think about that stupid nightmare Steve or the... The God damn crystals!! I want to find out-" I was Cut off by lightning that came from the yellow portal... Is... Is yellow Steve coming to visit us?! How is that possible?! I quickly ram towards the portal, but stopped as soon as I saw... "Nightmare Steve." Him. "Stay away from us!!" I yelled and pulled my Iron sword out "Or else...". Nightmare King just shook his head and said "Lower your weapon. I'm just want to make an offer." An offer?!
"Why should we trust someone who works with Rika?" Lucy... Wait was it really Lucy or...? We looked towards Lucy and saw that she had turned back to normal... Good... Good. "Tell me, Nightmare Steve. Why should we Trust you and listen to whatever offer you have? You are working with Rika... A enemy..." she hissed and slowly walked towards him... I was about to stop her but I was too late. "Who ever said I was working with her?" The nightmare king exclaimed... I was so close to run over and pull Lucy away from him, but I... I knew I had to stay near Sabre and orange. Make sure they are okay. "Orange... Sabre... Get ready to run if this all goes wrong... Don't bother saving me..." I whispered to Sabre and orange, who both just slowly nodded. "Try to bring Lucy over to us somehow if this all goes south... We will run with her." Sabre whispered. I slowly walked towards Lucy but she held her hand to her side, giving me the sign to stop.

"...Why did you come here...? Don't lie." Lucy said... "You, your Yellow eyed Friend and Chicken Friend... You are immune to the darkness, correct?" The nightmare King asked... "Liam and Sabre? Yes. I am to 100% sure they are immune to the darkness. I for one... I don't fully know." Lucy... "Yeah. I am immune to the darkness... That's because I'm not a Steve... Wait... Do you... wanna work together?" Sabre sounded so confused... "Well then... I came to make an offer." An offer? "Okay. One... One second. Lucy. Liam. Come... Come over to me for a bit..." Sabre probably wanted to talk to us about that... See what we would say. Lucy and me walked over to Sabre and orange and we got in a circle. "Guys... Should we... Should we hear him out...? He seems Like he actually wants to work together... Also Lucy you need to tell us about the Rika person and about what the hell happened..." Sabre said. "Let's give him a shot!" Orange said, smiling a bit and still seeming afraid. "Let's hear what he has to say." Me and Lucy said. "Okay. I'll tell him." Sabre said and slowly walked towards Nightmare king. "Okay... We have decided to hear you out, Nightmare king! What offer is it that you're willing to make and be prepared to be met with heavy criticism." Sabre exclaimed. "Well you three, possibly, have an immunity. I want the immunity so we work together." Nightmare king said... "WHY tho. You need to explain why." I said and raised an eyebrow. "You're making it look like you only want the immunity first yourself..." Lucy growled... "The reason is none if your concern." None of our concern?! "It IS our concern! Tell us or we won't accept the offer!" Me and Lucy both yelled... "I won't take no as an answer." Nightmare king sounded... Very angry. "One sec." We all got back in a circle and whispered "Maybe he just wants to use us for immunity so that he can gather more darkness inside him..." Lucy whispered. "Maybe? He definitely wants THAT!" Sabre exclaimed. "Yeah..." "We shouldn't work with him." I said. "I'm gonna politely turn him down... We have to somehow get him to leave us alone... Also... How did he even find the rainbow hub..." Sabre whispered... "Oh I brought him here!" Who?! We looked around and... We saw that Rika person appear.

"Very nice little place you guys have here. Really cozy." Rika smirked. "Now... Just take his offer. Work. With. Him!" She sounded so forceful.
"...We have decided that you, Nightmare king, are an awful person and we will not accept your offer now please go away." Sabre said, with a smile... "Oh~" Rika giggled and it was... Creepy. "Oh you really think you have a choice?! Oh no... You have NO Choice!" She started to laugh. "You're sure you don't want to work together. I'm more powerful than both of you combined!" The nightmare king laughed. "We said 'No'. Now... Be so kind and FUCK OFF!" Lucy said and gave them a fake smile. "Oh Lucy... You and your 'Team' made a mistake. He won't take no as an answer." Rika giggled... "Sabre." He has full permission. "Well here is what I have to say to that... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! No no! Never! Not even in the next life!" Sabre grumbled "you might be strong when it comes to power... But mentally? You are weak! You gave into the darkness... So... No. We will NOT accept your offer!" Sabre said and walked towards us. "We did really good, huh?" He grinned at us... but we just slowly shook our heads... Because Nightmare Steve used his power to make it so that me, Lucy and Sabre can't walk! "You made a Mistake~" Rika giggled. "S-Stay away from my friends!!" Orange yelled and jumped in front of us.
"ORANGE!! NO!!" Lucy yelled and tried to get to him... "Oh yeah? Well now you're frozen too, Fool." Rika laughed and orange wasn't able to move... "hey!! You smell!!" Orange yelled... No...! "Orange STOP!" Lucy yelled "He isn't for real! He is just joking!!" Lucy tried to talk our way out of this... "I was really hoping you'd be smart enough to work with me, but... You had to go on being obnoxious." Nightmare king exclaimed... No... "He gave you the chance to help willingly... But like I said before... You Have NO Choice!" Rika laughed once more... "As long as we are all together... We will never help you. We will never give in!! As long as we are here... WE WILL FIGHT!!!" Lucy yelled. "As long as you are here together, huh...?" No... No! He can't... "Guys i-" Orange was teleported away. "NO!! ORANGE STEVE!! HOW DARE Y-" Lucy was... Also teleported away... "...No...!!" Sabre sounded so frustrated "Where... What did you do to them?!" we both yelled. "Will you fools work with me now?" Nightmare king asked... "NO!! OF COURSE WE WON'T!!!" I yelled and we broke free... And pulled out our swords. "BRING THEM BACK!!! NOW!!" Sabre yelled... "Shut it, fool." Rika growled and grabbed us both by the necks... Before I suddenly appeared in a cell... No... No no no...! "Lucy... Orange..." Did he... Destroy them...?

-Lucy's POV-

I'm back to where I was brought before... and orange... He was with me. But he was unconscious. God... Please... Please let us be save... I started to tear up as Lunar started to talk to me "Lucy. You're corruption ... Its getting worse... It's because... There is another person inside your body... And she isn't here to help you." What?!
"Is... Is she part of the darkness?!" I panicked a bit. "No. But... She believes that you Hero's are... Well that you are all supposed to just accept your doom." She sighed... Our doom... Our... Doom.


A Unforgettable Quest [A Steve Saga Reboot/Rainbow Quest Story]Where stories live. Discover now