CHAPTER 5 - Never alone

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                         Chapter 5

--It's tough being a woman in this world.



"Jules!" I called her while straightening my clothes.

"yeah yeah  I already know what to do, Sam, Geez!" Jules yelled from her room.

"I just want to be sure you do it" I mumbled to myself.

"I heard that! missy!" She yelled.

What the hell! this girl must have super hearing if she heard me that far!.

"I'm just reminding you, we both know you always forgot things" I said applying some mascara on.

"Oh! come on and when did that ever happen, Sam?" She yelled confidently.

I laughed before answering " One time when you need to buy dog food and you came home minutes later with nothing in hand and I ask you where's the dog food and you told me and I quote " What the fuck are talking about?! Dog fo… oh yeah actually I'm about to buy now"" I  finished chuckling after.

"Well, I just got side tracked that's why" She defended.

"Oh and also that time when we were still working on that fast food on Michigan the owner told you to wait for her to come back to the diner because she left her bag and keys in the diner and yet you ended locking up the diner after your shift and went home" I laughed before continuing " That resulted the owner to sleep in front of the diner because she can't drive without her keys and cant call anyone because her phone was inside her bag!" I laughed harder, holding the closet near for support.

"Shut the hell up! ok! I swear I wont forget telling Ted that your taking half shift on your schedule today! happy?" She said storming in my room.

"I holding up on that! Jules!" I said once I sober up from laughing.

"And please let Ted know what my reason is" I told her seriously and maybe hoping this will get to her head.

"Alright" Jules replied before walking out my room sighing as if it was a very hard task to do what I instructed.

I turned to the mirror checking how I look. After all I'm going to apply for a code encoder in a above average fashion and renting boutique called Glam.

Better look good ,right? like what they say appearance adds more points in a persons point of view. hmmm Especially in a work interview.

Looking one last time, I'm wearing a three forth white polo with tiny stripes inserted in a black knitted pencil skirt  that reach just above my knees paired in a basic black pumps.

Well, It looks pretty professional to me.

My eyes drifted to my face in the mirror.

People see the beauty they always told me I held inside and out .I look straight into my ever so green piercing eyes, my friends always told me that I can always hypnotized them by it and how they seem to sparkle when I laughed incautiously loud.

But I see a girl staring back at me. She has a long oddly natural wavy black hair that almost reach waist, Maybe not a perfect a body yet she isn't skinny also not fat  but she has the right curves in all right places.

Stared at her reflection.

Who is that girl behind those piercing  eyes?  She thought to herself.

I know who she is! She was the girl that tries her best in every way possible. She was persistent in everything she do. Always thinks of the unthinkable. Does something for a reason. She is the girl who climbs her mountain of challenges and if she falls, she stands up, with her head held high before climbing back up. Because if she wont there's no one to help her, to held a hand for her, to pull her back up.


Even before she learned to walk. She was left Alone in a dark alley way.


She feared that. Being abandoned again.

That's why I was thankful to have Jules because we promised to have each other backs. Always.

"Do you want some toast and coffee, Sam?" Jules suddenly shouted somewhere in the apartment completely bringing her out the swirling thoughts.

She stared one more to herself smiling and thought.

Life? why are you such a mad bitch.

Smiling I fetch my bag stuffing all my requirements and other important stuff.

"Yeah! boo!" I yelled back once I gathered my belongings.

I glanced back at my room before going out and locking my room. I walked straight and there it was our small living room consisted with a small four person hot pink couch, a square wooden table facing the flat screen t.v that we earn at our last year's bonus.

I turned to my left where our kitchen is and walked through it.

Jules was there putting the toast on a plate, the coffee was done just waiting on the table.

As I sit on the stool, Jules put the plate between us and sat down across from me.

I pick the toast and took a bite.

"You look pretty happy aye" Jules teased. I look at her and she was had a knowing smile.

"hmm what are you on about?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm can a getting a good vibe from you that's all" She shrugged and took a bite on her toast.

We eat in silence both drifting in our own world.

"Good luck on the interview" she said as we finished our breakfast.

"Ahh thanks Jules" I said happily smiling at her.

We were already outside the building and were about to part our ways. Me on my way to the location of the boutique where the job interview will  be held and She's on her way to the cafe. I was about to go when Jules whispered my name just enough for me to hear.

"Samantha" She called using my full name. I turned back to her and the look in her face shocked me to the heart.

Her sky blue eyes held so much emotion but one stood out.

Love… for a sister, for a companion,for a best friend.

"You know that I'll always be here for you right?" she asked.

"Of course, as I will for you" I answered with a doubt.


What do you think about it??

Any suggestions??


sorry if there are some mistakes.




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