Part 14

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A/n: I have unfortunately lost inspiration to write this book, I'm not as passionate about the ship and book as when I started writing it. I'm not too confident in my writing so thank you everyone who reads this, the views have significantly gone down and I'm not too upset about that and I don't want to sound petty.
I'm not gonna discontinue the book or anything but I'm going to try to finish it in this chapter or the next.
I don't want to keep stalling on writing new chapters.
the decrease of people who are reading this isn't why I've chosen to finish it, I was gonna probably finish it soon anyways but sorry if the ending seems rushed. I might write a book of one shots for Natsuri, if you want me to tell me I guess. -Floaty

Yuri's POV

My head feels like it's splitting in half and I can't feel anything. I'm Numb. I try opening my eyes but there's lights so that are blinding. I force myself up quickly panicking. Where is she? The last thing I remember is being in that house. Natsuki. Where could she be? I look around squinting my eyes, still not adjusted to the light a d realize I'm in a very clean polished looking room. A hospital room. I hear a beeping and see I'm hooked up to a machine. I need to find her. There's tubes coming out of my arms, I pull them out wincing at the slight pain. I stand up and have to hold onto something for support as my legs are weak. Stumbling to the door I grab the handle and twist it, it opens with a satisfying creak and I walk out into the hospital halls. What happened? I don't remember a thing. I try walking but fall, no dont- I end up blacking out.

Natsuki's POV

The knocking. It's all I hear. It's loud. It's all I am. The knocking gets closer, louder and louder. It's coming. I can run but can never hide. It always finds me. He always finds me. I'm running, I'm tripping, he's reaching. No he won't get me this time. They won't let him.
Because they love me.

I jolt upright into a sitting position, my head spins and I Realize I'm in a hospital room? But why I try to remember but my memory is a blur. I hit my head thinking maybe I could remember with no luck. Wait where's Yuri? Where is she? I hear a door opening and a nurse walks in. "I'm glad you're awake" the nurse gives me a smile and I smile back weakly.

Yuri's POV

I'm running. But to where? I see it. The thing I came for. But what is it? I take it with shaking hands. I can't. Can I? I can. I will. The sound fills the air. The sound consumes me. But it's ok now.
Because they love me.

I sit up again. I'm back in the room. But what was that? A dream? But it felt almost real. I shake off the feeling of the dream and hear the door open and see what I assume is a doctor walk in.
"That stunt you pulled earlier could've gotten you really injured. You're lucky a nurse found you" the doctor says in a calm yet Stern voice. "Sorry" I look down at my hands embarrassed. "No worries. We did some tests on you while you slept and you shouldn't have to stay for longer than one night" He looks through some papers "Did you bring in someone else with me? A short girl with pink hair?" I prayed Natsuki was ok. "Yes.. Natsuki" the doctor turns to me "She's alright and isn't too injured" I don't know how to take that news, I think I'd rather have her not in the hospital.. but also knowing she's safe in the hospital calms me slightly.

I was finally told I could leave after what felt like an eternity and immediately rushed to find Natsuki. I spotted her and ran up to her embracing her in a tight hug she hugged me back and I grabbed her shoulders looking at her face, "I was so worried, are you ok? What happened? I can't remem-" I'm interrupted by Natsuki's lips pressing into mine and we're gone as fast as they came. I felt my face flush and just stared at her, she gave me a small smile her face had a red tint to it as well "Sorry" she says quietly tapping her two pointer fingers together. "No... I mean it's ok..I don't care... What I meant was... Thanks?" I noticed that I instinctively started twirling a strand of hair around my finger and put my hand in my other to stop myself. Natsuki brushed the loose piece of hair behind my ear and I gave her a smile. "Can we go somewhere to.. talk?".

I sip on my slushie and consider what Natsuki was telling me. 'I can't believe I didn't notice before' I mentally scold myself 'I should've... Could've done something'. "Yuri, you're blaming yourself, no need to look so sorry". We were sitting on the curb outside 7-Eleven. Natsuki had her hands in between her legs and was looking at the ground, I could see a light red tint on her face in the dimly lit convenience store light.
"But I should've known and done something and because of me yo-"
"Yuri! Stop you're not helping" Natsuki interrupts me. There's an awkward silence between us for what seems like forever.
"What am I? To you I mean" Natsuki breaks the silence, I feel my face heat up and I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger. "I hope my friend..." I wanted to say more but decided against it. "Yuri I... Like you, really like you. If it wasn't obvious enough" I look at her, it was silly for me to convince myself she didn't like me. Friends don't just kiss each other. And now thinking about it I feel stupid, maybe it was because I didn't think I deserved to be loved by anyone. Especially not my long time crush. Natsuki breaks me from my thoughts, "Yuri? Sorry I shouldn't have said anything" she looks away from me staring into her cup,
"no I.. I like you too. I've liked you for a while and I didn't think you liked me back, especially when you ran away. I thought that it was my fault that you ran away and-"
"Yuri!" Natsuki flicks my head and I blush, "sorry for rambling" I give her a close eyed smile, "do you know?" Natsuki changes mood, "know what?".
"He's dead... My dad." I look at her confused and then stand up, "oh my god why didn't you tell me earlier?!" She looks at me confused,
"I didn't think it was important? Especially since.. you know" I look at her shocked, "oh my god oh my god Natsuki that is important!"
"I didn't think you would care?" She stands up and grabs my hands, "We were the last ones with him, we don't remember anything that happened that night, and he died! You think we liked him?! Oh my god I can't go to jail" I pull my hand from hers,
"Yuri.. you don't remember what happened that night.. I do."

Yikes, cliff hanger? One more chapter after this then the book is done. Again if you want me to write a book of one shots comment and if you don't.. I might still write it. Next chapter is already out 'cause I pre wrote it.
If there are any mistakes please tell me.

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