Part 15

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Natsuki POV

The door made a loud bang and I could hear it swing on it's hinges "where are you bitch?!" A low voice fills the tiny cabin I'm hugging Yuri tightly tears in my eyes. "Natsuki hide" Yuri pushes me away, "no he's here for me" I can't escape him I know that now. I step into the open and Yuri scolds me to get back over to the couch. "I'm over here" already the smell of beer fills the air around me, so he's definitely wasted. The punishment I'll receive when I get home. If I ever get home, will be worse than anything I've ever received. He faces me and all the confidence I had before vanished, his face was twisted in a sinister grin, he starts walking to me and I regret showing myself to him, I run up the stairs and feel someone grab my ankle I scream bloody murder as I'm dragged back down the stairs I kick him in the face and he curses. I run back up the flight of stairs and see him barreling towards me anger seeping out of his ears. He grabs my hair and pulls it bringing us face to face he punches me in the nose dropping me, "Yuri run!" I imagine Yuri scared hiding behind the couch, I didn't blame her for not helping.
Everything goes silent all of a sudden I smack my ears. Nothing. I see my father fall down the stairs and I go to grab him but miss, I freeze and see Yuri at the bottom of the stairs holding the shotgun that used to be held on the mantel above the fireplace. Yuri runs to me and she's saying something. My hearing slowly comes back leaving a ringing noise inside my ears, "Natsuki! Natsuki!" She's shaking me and I look at her wide eyed, I ignore her and run down the stairs. I check my dad for a pulse "You killed him!" Yuri starts coming down the stairs and falls, "oh my god Yuri!" I catch her at the bottom and drag her to the couch and lay her down.

I wipe sweat off my head, I felt alot better that the cabin was out in the middle of nowhere. I had thrown my father into a lake where fish would eat and make a hime out of his rotting body. I felt nothing. I only felt numb I don't even remember dragging him there I only remember kicking him in (making sure to tie his arms and legs to heavy rocks so he wouldn't float to the top).

Back at the house I cleaned the blood opening all the doors and windows to make sure the smell of bleach would leave the cabin. Lighting candles. I yawned and heard sirens in the distance, feeling confident with my cleanup I walked to the front door, pretending to frantically panic.

"So you knew I killed him?!" Yuri yells at me walking in circles pacing, "Hey, no one knows he's dead, they think he might've wandered off while drunk. They know about his alcoholism and abuse" I stepped closer to her, "No but I killed him!" She backs away from me, "not so loud" I whisper yell "and besides, we killed him"
"How can you be so calm? I-"
"We" I correct her, "whatever we killed someone" she whispers looking around. "So I guess you're gonna tell huh? Well we can go to jail together".

Yuri POV

Of course I wasn't gonna tell, that son of a bitch abused Natsuki for her whole life. I shake my head, "no but what if someone finds out" she grabs my hands again, "No one will" she goes on her tip toes and puts her arms around my neck, she looks into my eyes before connecting our lips together, our tongues battle for dominance and Natsuki loses. My tongue explores her mouth before we separate, a string of saliva connecting us.
"Let's find somewhere to spend the night"

I wake up to birds chirping feeling the warmth of another body in-between my arms nuzzling into my chest. Natsuki had her arms around me and her legs in-between mine. I smile and kiss the top of her head. "Awake already?" Her voice startles me, "oh sorry did I wake you?" I blush a shade of pink and she shakes her head, "oh no I've been awake for awhile" she sits up and I realize she doesn't have clothes on I blush redder and she smiles "last night was nice" she wraps the blanket around her. I grab the closest peice of clothing and hand it to her "here put this on" it was my long necked sweater. We ended up going back to the cabin. After everything that happened here I wasn't that fazed and honestly almost happy it did happen. I don't think I'll ever regret.. killing him but I will regret it if I'm caught. I put a shirt on seeing I was only in a bra and panties. Natsuki stands up and stretches. The sweater was almost twice her size and covered almost her whole body down to her knees. She rubs her eye with the oversized sleeve, I giggle and mess up her hair. She pouts and hits my hand playfully. "Come on let's go eat breakfast"

I finish making breakfast for four. Just as I place the plates on the table I hear a car outside and we run to the door. "There they are just in time" Natsuki and I both got dressed in actual clothing before they had arrived. Natsuki grabs my hand and I hold hers back. I open the door and wave to Sayori and Monika smiling at them. Sayori jumps out of the car and runs towards us holding us in a tight embrace. Monika walks over and grabs Sayori, "let them breath" she jokes, "role model like before huh?" We all exchange guys and greetings before coming inside.

We chatted and got aquatinted again all day. We went on walks in the forest and had lots of fun. Sayori and Monika to my surprise we're actually dating. So I guess everything worked out.

Natsuki POV

It was a bit unnerving to know there was a dead body not so long ago in that spot right at the bottom of the stairs. For the next few days we did alot of stuff, we even wrote poems like when we were in a club. Finally the last day came around and I was sad to leave but we all promised to stay in touch and we learned we didn't even live that far from each other. We waved at Monika and Sayori as we pulled out of the driveway. "Hey Yuri, when we get home do you think I could stay at your place, just until I get somewhere to stay" I adjust my pigtails and give her a small smile. "You can stay as long as you want"

Snuggling up to Yuri I smile to myself, I'm laying on top of her in between her legs hugging her neck. She's rubbing her hands up my back and I slowly drift off to sleep.

I'm walking away from the lake "Natsuki" I turn around it sounded so close like someone had spoken directly into my ear. "This isn't over" I spun around to the lake and see bones reaching out grabbing at my ankles, twisting around pulling squeezing so hard it cut off my circulation, sharp thorns cutting skin dragging me to the lake to a watery death. I tried to kick myself free of the vines, scraping at the ground until my fingers bled. She felt water and she was dragged under gasping for air. I grab at roots with bloody fingers trying to pull myself back up, "Help me" I screamed out muffled by water. "Help yourself brat" over the surface I could see the twisted expression of my father's face, his eyes burning with revenge, his foot came down on my face and I was lost in the depths of my watery grave

I jolt awake tangled in bed sheets, I wrestle myself free of them and look around for Yuri she walks back into the room with a bowl of snacks and she runs over to me, I realize that I've been crying, "are you okay?" She hugs me and I wipe my tears. "Yeah just a bad dream" I lay back down and Yuri puts her arm around me snuggling into my neck. I still can't shake the feeling of the dream. Closing my eyes I could still see the face of my father cold, dark, threatening. Was it just a dream or a warning?

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