Part 8

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Natsuki's POV

I had packed all my things before hand so I would be ready to sneak out when it was time. I couldn't get a ride so I was stuck driving with one of my old club mates, 'Hopefully it's not Yuri' I thought to myself as I put my phone on it's charging stand so it would be fully charged for the ride there. I sat on my bed looking up at the ceiling, tomorrow night is when I need to sneak out. My eyes started to droop with sleepiness as I sat there on my bed and I was just drifting off to sleep when I heard the door front swing open and my dad yelling for me to get my ass down stairs. I slowly made my way downstairs,
"yes dad?" I said my voice shaking I could tell he was drunk mostly because he smelled very strongly of alcohol. "Make me -hic- make me some food" He said while walking into the door, then another person came in it was a woman with dark brown hair twisted up in a bun, way to much makeup, and she was wearing fancy clothes. I headed to the kitchen and my dad's "female friend" followed me. 'what does she want?' I thought confused why she wasn't with my dad. I made my dad a sandwich in silence while this woman just stared at me and she finally broke the silence by saying, "so you're the useless mistake of a daughter I heard all about". 'what the fuck did this bitch just call me!?' I thought angerly glaring at her and as if she read my mind she said,
"You heard me, your a useless mistake I see why your dad is thinking of throwing you out, the only reason you aren't on the streets is because your his slave, but when I move in you'll be kicked out before you can even beg your excuse of a father to stay and live here." I was getting angry and I wanted to slap that stupid smile off her face, "Why would you move in?" I asked hoping the answer wasn't what I thought it was, "You even ask stupid questions to match your stupid personality, I'm going to marry your stupid father, why else would I move in?" She chuckled to herself and I stood there shocked. "Why would you marry my father? You keep calling him stupid." 'This bitch needs to leave she doesn't even like my dad and thinks he's stupid.' I thought clenching my fists, "I'm marrying him cause he's rich honey, he may live on this trash hole but when I'm done with him you'll be out on the streets or if your nice you can work for me as a slave for the rest of your life. Ha no wonder your mom left you I would leave you too if I was your mom, especially your stupid father." She laughed one of those laughs you would hear a villain in a fairytale laugh. I almost had enough of this bitch but I calmed myself and breathed in a couple times. "My mom didn't leave me, she was killed." I said my voice shaking and on the verge of tears, I didn't usually talk about my mom but when I did I always got emotional.
"You really believe that? Ha that's just a stupid lie your father told you, you wanna know what really happened?"
I swallowed the lump I my throat I couldn't speak, I knew she was lying to me, my mom was killed. But she kept talking even though I hadn't answered her, "She wasn't killed, she commited suicide"
"NO!!" I screamed "YOU'RE A LIAR" I couldn't control myself and I lashed out and punched her in the face "SHUT UP YOU STUPID LYING BITCH"
I went to punch her again but she caught my hand, she put her face close to mine "Listen here you excuse of a daughter, I'm the boss of the house now so you listen to me I make the rules and you don't." She spat in my face and knocked me to the ground and kicked me.
"Dad help!!" I pleaded "He's not gonna help you" and she continued to punch me and kick me. I saw my dad walk into the kitchen and I begged for him to help me. "She keeps calling you stupid and she's lying about mom she said mom killed herself, she didn't! Did she?" I yelled, now tears running down my face. It hurt so much not only my body hurt but my heart hurt. My dad just looked at me with a blank expression and laughed. I curled up into a ball while she kicked me then I felt a sharp pain in my back bad blood trickling down it. I screamed turning over and I saw that she had grabbed a knife and cut down my back, I stood up and she sliced the knife down my side. I ran to my room and locked it while that bitch yelled after me but didn't follow me. I was bleeding and in alot of pain, now along with all my bites I had knife marks on my back.
I took the bandages out of my drawer and bandaged my cuts. I couldn't stay here anymore and this time my dad won't find me. I grabbed my computer and sent an email.

Hey really sorry to bother you but you know that trip the old club is going to? of course you do that was a stupid question could you come pick me up I know it was tomorrow we were supposed to go but I have to leave today. If you do come can you please park around the corner, don't ask questions please I just need you to.


Then I sent it to Yuri.

I-It's Not Like I Like You | Cuts And Bruises | {Natsuri}Where stories live. Discover now