chapter 2

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I chased after her. When I got to the bathroom I heard loud sobs through the door. I yanked on the door handle. She must've locked it. I kept pulling and twisting the handle. I wanted to get in there and hold her.

I faintly heard a "go away!" And a "leave me alone". I ran to the basement. Tripping over my own feet. "Damn it!" I whisper/yelled.

"Red! Stop running around!" The she devil screeched from, I'm guessing, the kitchen judging by the sound of her muffled voice.

I ran down to the basement and got the ax. Ugh it's so heavy. I swung it around my shoulder and ran back up to the bathroom. Do you know how hard it is to run with an ax?

When I finally reached the bathroom, I was out of breath. I waited about 3 seconds before taking the ax to the door. Either I'm really that weak and out of shape or the door got thicker and is break proof.

I finally was able to create a little whole to peak through. She looked so miserable and as if she's been crying for ages. I just stared at her.

She's sitting in the corner with her face in her knees. Her black hair fell in her face and draped over her knees. I felt so bad for her.

Then all of the sudden she vanished. All that was left in her spot were tears and her necklace she never took off.

"Funny how the things you hold dearest to your heart can disappear. Almost as if magic was involved." I felt a hand on my shoulder. Her voice sounded of evil and fakeness. I wanted so bad to just burst into tears. Matilda was gone. "All you have to do, my dear Red, is wish upon a star." There she goes with the sarcasm.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I raised the ax and was tempted to just slice her head open right then and there, but then I heard a cry from my room. I dropped my ax and ran towards my room.

I slowly opened my door to find Matilda but she looked different. Her hair wasn't black anymore. Like a light brown with a purple died ends. Her eyes were brown and she got a little taller. She was looking for my mirror underneath my bed. But instead she found my razors, dull from use.

She looked at the door, knowing I was there, and she started crying. I ran over to hold her but she backed away. Her eyes full of tears once more, because of me. She ran to her room.

I just stood there in shock. What should I do?

I walked down the stairs, out the front door and to my best friend, Prince Charming's house. His house was all the way down the street from mine.

I saw all the wildlife scrambling for a reason unknown. Birds were flying north instead of south, squirrels were leaping from tree to tree, dogs were howling, cats were screeching, even the insects were trying to bury themselves in the ground or in trees.

I finally got to his house and the door was unlocked. Perfect. I went in and ran to his bedroom, pondering on what I was going to say to him. I peaked into his room. He was just laying in his king sized bed. His flannel sheets were still perfectly made, as if he just got in bed. I crept into his room and stared at him. His hair was messy from his sleep but still looked perfect.

"Will you just come over here, Red?" He sprung to life, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me on the bed. He started a tickle fight. And then he kissed me. "I've always wanted to do that."

I didn't even realize what I was doing. I kissed him back. I liked it but it was wrong. Felt so wrong. But I've been waiting for this our whole friendship.

"Come with me. I want to show you a room no one else has ever seen." He winked, grabbed my hand, and dragged me down the hallway to in front of a large painting. He grabbed the side of the painting and it reveled another doorway.

When we got to the room down the secret hallway, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was like he wanted me to die. Either of amazement or murder. In the room the walls had knives sticking out abd some were dripping with what looked like blood. What goes on down here?

I looked at him with fearfilled eyes and he nust laughed and said "enjoy".

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