Teddy Duchamp part 2

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I was not originally gonna have this as a part thing, but thanks to @RetroLover4 for agreeing with the the idea!

Teddy was one his way to were you and your friends normally hang out behind blue point, you guys only go there cause you can sometimes get free fries at the end of the day.

Okay Teddy just be yourself be calm. How can I be calm when i'm gonna ask out the prettiest girl in, just stay calm.

"hey Teddy!" I heard a voice who was that I turn around to see Y/N

"H-hey Y/N" wait a going Teddy already messing up

"Y/N" I heard another voice say and it was Mark great

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the dance with me doll" God that guy pisses me off

"Wait would you like to go to the dance with me!" I said

"Um" Is all she could say"

"Come on doll go with me" Mark said putting an arm around her" Of course she picks him what was I thinking me have a shot with her.

"No thanks, I think I would like to go with Teddy" Y/N said walking over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek 

Sorry that this one is longer then normal just how it went sorry It was bad I have a lot of work going on with school and thanks for reading!  

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