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✸ Your pov ✸

I stared out the window in my room of the ship and continued to think about what my sibling had just told me.


"We're so sorry {Y/n} but we couldn't save him.."

I knew deep inside that he wasn't dead, he was too strong for that. My father may be getting old but.. I know he would put up a fight either way.

A knock at my door snapped me out of my thoughts. "Who is it?" I asked rubbing my puffed eyes and walking towards the door.

"It's Pidge." The voice said with a worried almost sad, tone.

"The door isn't locked." I said sitting back down on my bed and sighing. Pidge had followed and sat onto my bed next to me. 

"How are you doing? I heard you crying earlier and wanted to see if you we're at least feeling better or if I could do anything to help you feel better." She said in a concerned tone and seemed like she felt bad for me but also wanted to say something else.

"Yeah," I looked at her with a sad smile. "I'm alright, just shaken up that's all." 

♡ Pidge's pov ♡

I never realized how pretty {Y/n} was. Her {h/c} hair was messy and a little damp, probably from it being in her face while crying, but she somehow made it look cute. Wait..What am I thinking?! She probably doesn't like me anyway. Wait have we just been staying in silence this whole time...? I looked down trying to hide the obvious blush on my cheeks but then the door opened.

✫ Shiro's pov ✫


"I feel bad for {Y/n}." Pidge said looking down at her feet. 

"You and {y/n} are a lot alike when you think about it." I said walking into the lounge with Pidge and taking a seat beside her.

"I guess so. I mean, we both technically lost our dad's we're both short, we're both really techy and into space technology, we're both really smart and.." Pidge looked away and mumbled something.

"What was that last part?" I asked her looking towards her.

"N-nothing! It's just..Can you keep a secret...?" Pidge asked me looking back at me with a faint blush on her cheeks.

I knew what she was going to tell me. How cute!!

My inner fanboy instincts kicked in and I put my arm around Pidge's shoulder and smiled.

"Aaaaanything!" I said exaggerating the 'any'.

"I sort of..have a 'thing' for...{Y/n}.." Pidge said being flustered as ever and trying to hide it by looking away again.

Knew it!!

"Oh, I know." I said chuckling at Pidge's attempt at trying to hide her crush on the girl.

"W-WHAT?! YOU KNEW THE WHOLE TIME?!" Pidge whisper-yelled at me nudging my side making me laugh even more.

"Yeah I mean, It's sort of obvious the way that you talk about her all the time. And whenever you look at her your eyes just show a lot of emotion." I said smiling at her.

"Just.. Please don't tell anyone!" Pidge said looking at me with pleading eyes.

"I won't don't worry. Your secret is safe with me Pidgeon." I said looking up and leaning back more.

"Thank's Shiro." Pidge said smiling back at me and sighing from relief.

I suddenly had remembered that {Y/n} was still in her room, alone, probably crying and missing her father.

"You should go check up on her Pidge." I said pushing her slightly.

Pidge got up from the couch and walked to the door before facing me again.

"Thanks again Shiro, for keeping my secrets." I smiled

"It's nothing Pidge. You can tell me anything, I hope you know that."

End of flashback

I walked to {Y/n}'s door and opened it without a warning hoping to see them hugging but, Pidge and {Y/n} we're just sitting on the bed and they both looked at me like I was Coran with the "Paladin's focusing food".

"Hey Shiro.." {Y/n} said with a sad smile.

"Uh..Hi..Pidge did you uh...Y'know..?" I asked her hoping she'd get the hint and she did.

She shook her head and blushed more."W-wait that's why you told me to-" "What are you two talking about?" {Y/n} asked confused.

✸ Your pov ✸

Pidge and Shiro started to talk about something but I had no clue what it was about. Was it about me? Or was it about the other Paladins? Did I do something wrong?

"What are you two talking about?" I asked looking at Shiro then looking back at Pidge. She looked like a tomato.

Shiro then whispered something into Pidge's ear and walked out of my room, closing the door slowly.

I looked back at Pidge with a confused expression.

Pidge looked into my eyes and said something I didn't expect at all

"I..I love you...{Y/n}." Pidge said and looked down again and fiddled with her fingers.

"Pidge I..-"

"IknowyouprobablydontlikemeandyourprobablystraightbutIreallyreallylikeyoulikealotanditsalrightifyoudontlikemeback!" She said quickly making me not understand a thing she was saying.

I cupped Pidges face with my hands and kissed her softly.

"I love you too Pidge."

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