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Dear gang,

     Well, you aren't wrong. Two tops definitely don't make a bottom, but why are you like this? You know, I've gotten bi vibes from Hongjoong too but I always got a bottom vibe from him too... though I guess could be a switch too. Seonghwa has always wanted something more; for as long I've known him at least. When it came to relationships, school, and even food. I'm not saying Seonghwa Isn't a good person for always wanting something more. I'm just saying that he's a difficult person when it comes to his needs and wants. I really hope nothing bad happens between him and Hongjoong. Sorry. Just rambling over here. LOL

     Jungkook, you always seem to amaze me whenever your name is spoken. You need to cut down on the Overwatch. I don't care if it raises your grades or not. At least don't stay up all night playing video games.

     I will have to look into The Rules of the Road and will see if I have any other books besides murder mysteries. I have a box in the corner of my room I've been meaning to go through. It's labeled "Books" so there's got to be other genres.

     I don't need any stationary yet but the first thing I want to do when I'm discharged is to go shopping. I'd love for you guys to join me!



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