The Small, Quick Things In The Trees

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When Blaze woke up a little later, everybody was asleep and the moon was out. Blaze looked at the corpse that was laying on the ground. There was more meat missing from the body. Blaze had missed dinner and he was starving. Blaze quickly leaped up and walked over to the corpse, trying not to wake anybody up. He bit into the corpse and pulled some meat off the body. It tasted so good! Blaze ate some more, when he heard the branches above me shuffle. He tilted his head up and looked around. Blaze glanced in every spot of the tree branches and saw what was making the noise. There was a family of Microraptors jumping from branch to branch. He excitedly jumped around the base of the tree, yapping away at the small reptiles. They looked down at him and began to jump to another tree. He followed them around the den until they stopped and rested on the tree. Blaze was about as tall as a juvenile triceratops, so reaching them was no problem. He got a running start from the top of the den and jumped at the Microraptors. He nabbed one by its foot in my jaws, but fell on his stomach, allowing the Mircoraptor to escape with a hurt foot. He stood up and nearly jumped out of his scales when Mother bellowed at him, beckoning Blaze to go back to sleep. Blaze turned around and walked back into the den to go back to sleep. He trotted into the den and laid down next to Ivy and slowly drifted back to sleep.

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