The Swamp Stalker

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Blaze dragged the dead Torosaur through the forest, soon entering a dense swamp. Low hanging vines draped over Blaze's snout like a curtain. He dropped the body and took a break, looking around. The swamp was eerily quiet,the only sounds were the birds perched on Blaze's back, picking off small bugs that resided on Blaze's warm scales. He looked down. Small fish swam over and around Blaze's feet. Blaze dipped his head into the cool water, picking up a fish and eating it whole. A branch snapped and fell into the water. Blaze snapped his head up and looked at where the sound came from. Something huge was walking through the swamp, but only its legs were visible. It was grey, only bits of blue coloring showed on the creatures scales. What ever it was, it was bigger than the swamp canopy, and not only that. What ever it was, it was stalking Blaze. Blaze quickly picked up the body and ran through the swamp, hearing the creature following him, snapping tree trunks. The swamp slowly became less dense, soon turning into the base of Tarbo Cliff. He ran through the rock arch and into the main area. He turned around. He saw something look at him, then turn around. It was a Spinosaurus. It was huge, bigger than Blood Tooth. Ivy, Tex and Lily walked down a stone path to meet up with him. They greeted him with nudges and chirps. Blaze picked up the corpse and together, they all walked back to their den, Blaze not looking behind himself.

They feasted on the flesh of the young Torosaur. Everything was calm, and with the sun setting, it was time to rest. Blaze laid down, Lily laying next to him. Blaze looked over at Ivy. Tex was snuggled close to her. She laid her head on his and fell asleep. Blaze shut his eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning, the first body was found. In the court yard, an adult male Tarbo laid on the ground, dead. It had it's neck ripped apart by something big. Chunks of flesh were missing from its torso and legs. Everybody was scared and worried. Blaze looked into the swamp. Somewhere out there, was that Spinosaurus. It was waiting, watching them. Waiting to make its next move.

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