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It was late at night and we were all starving. Tex, Ivy and Blaze couldn't sleep because of all the loud footsteps the Sauropods were making, so they decided to go get food. Blaze left the small cave and walked around. He could see the silhouettes of the Brachiosaurus head against the moon light. Blaze looked around the area for food. Blaze is about as tall as a Parasaurolophus, so he could take down some big prey. Blaze walked around the river, hoping to find something drinking or grazing. He then spotted something in the trees. It was dark so it was hard to see. Tex was scared as usual, and Ivy was protective, as usual. Blaze took a step forwards and looked closer. The animal was now looking at me. He took another step, when Blood Tooth jumped out from where Blaze was looking. Tex roared in fear, causing all the Sauropods to freak out and begin a stampede. Blaze quickly nudged Tex to run and told Ivy to follow. Blaze ran after them, and Blood Tooth followed. Blaze looked ahead and saw Tex moving around the feet of the Sauropods. Blaze caught up to Ivy and told her to get Tex and move towards the swamp. She ran ahead and began to roar at Tex, telling him to follow her. Blaze made a sharp turn and looked back. Blood Tooth slipped on some mud and was soon trapped in the stampede. Dust and dirt flew over the scene, so we couldn't see if Blood Tooth was dead. Blaze didn't care. He met up with Tex and Ivy and we continued our walk to find food. Blaze couldn't stopping thinking about the stampede the whole way to the swamp. He felt like he finally avenged my family.

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