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Lukas hardly hears anything for the entire ceremony. His eyes remain locked onto Avery, who somehow ended up sandwiched between his mother and Bianca. He's sweating, his mouth is continuously dry, and his tie has been choking him for the last twenty minutes, and he can't touch it. He's not even sure he's blinking. Every now and then his mother looks at him and rolls her eyes. She can clearly see how nervous he is, just as he can see how uncomfortable Avery is. She also looks really sad. He wants to run of the stage and take her from that table. 

He takes a deep, steadying breath. This will all be over in a few minutes. He's going to kill Trish for her seating arrangement. 

"... I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride," the Priest says to applause. Colt pulls Trish in his arms and dips her in a passionate kiss. Finally. Major's explanation of why he loves his lover gets louder on the speakers and the bride and groom make their way from the platform. Lukas follows on cue, taking Trish's stocky cousin Rosalie on his arm. It's an awkward few seconds from the area, as she is a foot shorter than his 6'3". 

When they clear the ceremony section, Trish bounces up and down excitedly and Colt can't stop grinning. They look so happy. Will he ever get to see Avery smiling this brightly, as if her whole world is now complete? 

They head up the path to the hillside garden to take wedding photos, while the guests freshen up before dinner. Trish also has to change from her lacy, full skirt ball gown. 

"Hey," Elijah grabs his shoulder as they get to the garden. "She's ok," he says. 

"How did you..."

"I saw you watching her the entire ceremony. How did she end up with your parents and Bianca?"

"Mom. I'm certain of it. The better question is, why."

"Let's make this quick," Colt interrupts with a pat on Lukas' shoulder. "You have damage control."

Trish stops in the circle of tulips and screams, Colt jogs over and examines her, concerned for his new wife. 

"Oh my gosh Colt, I'm now Trish Caldridge!" She screams and he laughs. Everyone is excited at Trish's excitement, but Lukas just wants this to be over with so he can get to Avery. 


If there was ever a time Avery needed to be rescued by her night in his well fitted tuxedo armor, it's now. She suffered through the wedding ceremony between Lukas' mother, and the woman she wants her son to be with instead of her. They happily discussed how gorgeous Lukas looked, seemingly unaware that Lukas' worried eyes were locked on hers the whole ceremony. Avery couldn't love him more. They also chose to discuss Bianca and Lukas' pending getaway to the family's private island, and how romantic Vanessa plans to make the getaway for them. Avery would have been irritated, if she wasn't at that very island with Lukas a couple weeks ago, and knows that Lukas needs no assistance to make that trip romantic. He really is an angel. 

When their plans for Lukas' life weren't getting under her skin enough, Vanessa was kind enough to start a conversation with Bianca about some bitch Lukas is sleeping with that she need not worry about due to her insignificance. Bianca kept giggling and glancing at Avery.  It was childish in the least. Bianca also tried to "accidentally" spill wine on Avery's clothes during the cocktail reception after the ceremony, but thanks to her self defence lessons with Lukas, she was able to move away before it could even splash on her. 

She tries escaping the verbal attacks to the rest room, only to run into Vanessa and a Chinese woman wearing small curls in her short hair and a flowing red dress. 

"Hello," Avery says to not be rude, walking over to the sink beside the woman and washing her hands. Vanessa hisses her teeth and continues to fix her makeup. The woman raises an eyebrow at Avery  and tilts her head to the side while looking her up and down. 

"You look lovely," she says, and Vanessa looks at her in the mirror, as if she is crazy. "I don't think we've met," the Chinese woman adds, locking here eyes with Avery's and swiping a red lipstick across her thin lips. She smiles tightly at Avery. So she knows of her. "I'm Rebecca Chin," she says. 

"I'm Avery Bell."

"Are you a friend of the bride or groom?"

"Both," Avery says drying her hands. "I need to get back," she says and smiles at the woman, whose smile now seems genuine. Vanessa steps in her path looking rather venomous, complemented by her poison ivy inspired dress. How fitting. 

"I told you to stay away from my son," She says. "Do I need to prove how much of a low life you are to the public before you use common sense?" She says, shaking her emerald clutch at Avery. 

"If you want us to break up that badly, you should probably start by telling that to your son," she responds and steps past her and out the bathroom. Her legs are shaking, but they don't give out and carry her to a hidden garden area Shelly showed her earlier. She had decided to stand up to Vanessa and not allow her to make her feel as dirty as she did the day they met. She sits on the metal bench below a lovely pergola strewn with yellow bell flowers and exhales. She's been holding her breath the entire time. Is being with Lukas going to always be like this?

"Avery?" Lukas says, walking up behind her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm better now," she says, happy to see him. But then her happiness fades as Vanessa walks in behind him. 

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