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The heavy talk they had on their wedding night did nothing to deter the amazing honeymoon they had. Lukas kept her very occupied the entire week. They spent a lot of time exploring O'ahu, but more time basking in the glow of their newly wed life. 

The two days since they've been back have been spent integrating their lives. Avery put up her apartment, and Lukas got rid of some of his furniture so hers could be placed in the house. Knowing some of the living room and a bedroom furniture belongs to her, has helped to ease some of the anxiety, and make her really feel at home. She has also been less worried about Vanessa showing up, since Lukas told her he took away her key. The last thing she wants, is to be home alone and Vanessa barges in. 

"Are you sure you want to be alone? Why don't you invite your friends over?" Lukas asks, securing the last button on his shirt. Avery tucks her legs under her, on the plush bench in the centre of the large closet, half of which is now occupied with her belongings. She watches diligently as Lukas moves about, getting dressed. It all still feels so surreal, her eyes dart to the white gold band on her finger with the large white diamond protruding from its centre, surrounded by a ringlet of aquamarine diamonds. 

"I could meet them somewhere," she says quickly, picking at the fibres of the lone pillow on the bench. Lukas turns to look at her incredulously. 

"This is your home Avery. You are free to invite anyone over for any amount of time you wish," he says, walking over and kissing her while he secures his watch. 

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" She asks. 

He's on his way to break the news to his parents. He also plans to release the news to the media tomorrow. She wrote the release and selected the photos herself, and will be handling the press regarding the matter. She felt it right to be there when he breaks the news to his parents, but he insists he'd rather do it alone. Partially, he says, to prevent him and his mother from having a brawl if she puts her hand on Avery again. She believes he would go to that extreme. So instead, she planned to stay home, but, she really misses her friends, and can't wait to tell them the news. 

"I'm sure," he says, and gives her a swift kiss on the lips. "Now, I have to go. Don't be too surprised if I come home with bruises."

He laughs, but it really worries her what his parents... what his mother.... will do when she hears what he's done. 

She walks him downstairs and watches as he drives off. She takes out her phone and dials. Her friends are not going to believe this at all. 

"Hey!" Janine greets. "Where have you been? We've been trying to reach you."

"I'm going to send you an address, and I need you guys to meet me there in two hours. Is that ok?"

"Wow, this sounds like some super spy mission shit. Ok!" She hangs up before Avery can get in another word. Janine is excellent at rallying the troop. 

ge3Now Avery has to get the booze and snacks ready, because she knows there will be lecturing and celebrating, wrapped into one crazy afternoon.


Vanessa and Luke are seated in the living room watching television when Lukas arrives. Good. He had called them rather early to tell them to expect him, and he wanted to talk to them alone. Unlike he does, they don't give their house staff the weekends off, but they're used to the craziness of that household, so he's not worried about them at all. Vanessa however, is accustomed to having company over on Saturdays, while his father is usually not there. He's quite pleased to see them patiently waiting for him. If only they were normal parents...

"Hi," he says, taking a seat across from them. His father looks expectant, while his mother seems upset. She did spend the whole week scouring the country looking for him. Totally unnecessary, but very her. 

"What's this about Lukas?" his father asks. He seems impatient, and Lukas imagines that he's keeping him from an important side piece and has him stuck with his wife. He hisses his teeth under his breath and decides to rip the band aid off, come what may. 

"I got married."

His mother's eyes go wide with surprise, then harden with anger. Her nostrils flare as her breathing gets heavier. His father closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, then lets it out roughly, staring at him with pure anger. It's not like he didn't expect it. He relaxes into the couch and takes in the look of his parents. 

"Please tell me this is a joke!" Vanessa says. Lukas holds up his left hand, donning his wedding ring, feeling very mischievous and pleased with himself. 

"Lukas," his father says and takes another deep breath. "You eloped?"

"Would you have turned up to my wedding if I had held a ceremony?"

"LUKAS!" His mother yells, her face red and her eyes wild.  

"Yes Mother?"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" His mother screams, jolting from her seat and grabs her hair, pulling at the locks between her fingers. Tears stream down her face. 

"There's nothing wrong with me Mom. When normal people are in love, they get married. End of story."

"You are not a normal person Lukas. You are the heir of the Saldana Group. Why the fuck won't you act like it?" His father really is mad. He rarely ever curses. He stands and paces the room, avoiding eye contact with his son. He sighs heavily, back to Lukas and Vanessa. "You've got guts, I'll give you that," he says from a place of pure frustration. 

"You sound like you're encouraging him!" Vanessa says, addressing Luke. 

"It's already done Vanessa. Do you think he's going to divorce her because we tell him to? It could have been worse. He could have gone crazy over a ghetto rat," Luke says and Lukas scoffs. If he was going to take that stance, he should have taken it when he asked him to give him his blessing. 

"This is so like your dumb ass. Push your head in the sand and hope for the best. He truly is your son. You've taught him well to go after worthless women. Good job!"

"Mom! That day in the restaurant, was the last day I stand you disrespecting Avery. She is my wife, and the mother of my child, whether you like it or not. You do not have any right to speak to her or about her that way."

"Do you think I'm going to sit by and allow this?"

"You say that like you have a choice," Lukas says and his mother's face reddens deeper. "Get out!" She yells at him, pointing to the door.

Luke walks out of the room, and Lukas follows him. 

"You've disappointed me Son," he says, making his way upstairs. 

Lukas watches him going up, his shoulders bunched. Luke is guilty of cheating on his  wife with all sorts of loose, but white women. However, whenever Vanessa accuses him of it, he always seems hurt. Lukas shakes his head. They don't even sleep in the same bedroom, he can't understand why his father is always bothered by his mother's words. 

He continues on his path to the door while the symphony of screaming and things being tossed and smashed in the living room leaves him unfazed. He goes through the front door to the words, "You son of a bitch!" He's not sure whether those words are meant for him or his father, but he doesn't care either way. He's made his choice, and whatever his mother does from here on, he's ready for it, and he'll be sure to shield Avery from it too. 

He's about to enter his car when his mother storms out of the house and rushes up to him. 

"You're not going to win with this defiance.  I demand you have this sham of a marriage annulled and until then you keep it under wraps. You have embarrassed this family enough!" She says and heads back into the house. 

She must be out of her mind. 

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