Chapter Two- Running in and having lunch

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Next day at school

"I cant believe you!" I hissed at Olivia

"Your the one who agreed yesterday, on meeting him" She shot back.

"When you said meeting. i would not think you meant, shoving me into him, falling ontop of hiim, infront of most of the school!" 

Olivia just giggled. Giggled. She would think its just so  halarious. 

~Flash Back~ 

"He's rite there! Go talk to him!" Olivia shouted. In my ear, might i add. 

"One, ow. Two, im not talking to him until later, im barely even awake rite now." I said with a yawn.

"Fine. But we have to walk over there. Our next class is that way."

Without reponse we started walking that way. When we got rite next to him, Olivia whispered something in my ear that i couldnt quite make out. 

"Wha-" I was cut off by her shoving me directly twards him. Me, being the clutz that i am, pannicked. I lost my balance, and tumbled straight ontop of him. We ended up in the most awkward position. He was hovering over me while i was facing him. I was only inches from his face. 

"Whoa" was all he said. 

"Erm, I..I... Umm..... SEE YOU IN HISTORY!" I shouted as i jumped up and darted in the first direction i saw. 

~End Flashback~ 

"It was not  funnny." I shot while sending her the evil eye. 

"Not funny?! That was halarious. 'See you in History!'" She mimicked with the loudest laugh that's ever come out of her. 

I just rolled my eyes. 

"Oh goodness. What am i suppose to do when i flippin see him in History now?! He probably thinks im a total wierdo now!" I said

"Ughh. Just dont talk to him." She said with a 'duh' look. 

"He sits like 2 seats away from me, egg head!" I shot with a glare. 

"Oh.. Well it's not my fault." 

"It's totally your fault! Your the one who pushed me into him, with no warning what-so-ever!" 

"Oh....Rite... Oops, my bad." She said with a laugh. 

~Later that day, rite before History class~ 

Im freaking out rite now. You have no idea. He probably thinks im a wierdo, and has already told a bunch of people about how wierd i am. Wait. Why am i getting so paranoid? Its not like im gonna date him or anything, rite? Rite. I'm good. 

Once i gt into class i sat my books down, rite as the bell rang. 

"Good Morning, class. I expect all of you to have your homework from last night done, no?" Said Mr. Haffer

A bunch of moans arrupted form the class. 

I looked over at Isaac while the teacher was talking. He was already staring at me. Once he saw i was looking at him too, he smile at me and mouth something i could'nt make out. 

'What' I mouthed

'Meet me after class' he said back. With a weary look, i nodded.

Once the what seemed like forever hour was over, i waited outside of class for Isaac.

When he came out, he looked around for a minute. When he saw me, he smiled and started walking my way. My heart started pounding fast and faster.

"Hey" He said with a smile.

"Erm, hi." I replied.

"About earlier..." He said

"Im so sorry about that. When i get into situation's like that, i kind of just panick and say the first thing that comes to mind." I explained.

"Its fine." He said with a chuckle.

"Anyways, how are you liking this school, so far?" I asked

"Its cool. The people are really nice here, especially the girls, for some reason." He said with clear confusion in his voice. Does the boy not get how insanely hot he is?

"Maybe it has something to do with your hottness" I murmered.

"What?" He asked.

"Erm, uh, nothing. I was just talking to myself. You know? I sometimes do that, its a bad habbit." I said quickly.

"Rite..." He said with amusment in his voice. 

"Anyways, i was wondering if maybe you want to eat lunch with me today? Its a new school, and i havnt quite settled in yet." He asked.

"Ermm, sure. As long if you dont mind that my best friend Olivia eats lunch with us?" 

"Thats fine.... I'll see you at lunch then?" 

"Yeah. See you then." 

~Later at school, rite before lunch.~ 

"Liv! Liv! Over here!" I yelled across the crouded hallway. 

As i made my way twards her -Which was quite a hassle- I must have bumbed into 20 people. 

"Hey." She said opnce i reached her. 

"Hey, Isaac's eatinglunch with us today." I told her. 

"Who?" She asked 

"The new kid. You know, the one you pushed me into today..." 

"Oh, yeah! So, you two hit it off" She asked with a wink. 

"Ugh. I guess so?" I replyed 

"GET SOME!!!" She screamed. Allot of people looked our way. 

From the side of us, we both suddenly heard a cough. It was Isaac. Oh, goodness. 

He just smirked at me, amusment written all over his flawless face. Wait what? I did not just think that. 

"HA! He probably heard me scream GET SOME!" Olivia said with a bark in laughter. That's when Isaac just lost it. He started laughing histarricly. 

"Let's go." I said. 


As we sat down at a picnic table at lunch, about every single girl there stared at us. 

"Soo...." Isaac said awkwadly. 

"Dude. Do you think my friends hot, or not?" Olivia said. 

I kicked her from uner the table, then gave her a look. Both me and Isaac were blushing. Wait, why was he blushing?

"Well?" Olivia said 

"Well, she's certainly not bad looking." Isaac said while he stared at his food. 

"Oooooooooo! You totally think she's hot!" Olivia barked. 

"Olivia!" I said while gritting my teeth. Both me and Isaac were a crimsin red. Could this day get any worse? 


Author's Note; 

I hope you guys like this chapter! It took awhile to write! I'm not sure how much it is, but i hope it's longer then my last chapter. I decided that i kind of wanted Olivia to have an outgoing personality. It was be amazing if you guys could maybe give me some feedback? The more feedback i get, the faster i update, and change anything you guys want me to! Thank's for reading! I hope you guys like my story so far!

P.s. Im sorry if the spelling's a little off! I have no way to check it on here, when i go to my dads, ill go over both chapters, and check all the spelling! 


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