Chapter Three- The waitress

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*Rite after the bell rang for us to leave lunch* 

"I seriously cannot believe you embarrassed me like that! 'Ooo.. You totally think she's hot!' Don't you understand that when i kick you from under the table,  that means that you shut up, and stop talking!?" I whisper/ screamed at Olivia. 

She just shrugged her shoulder's in response. 

"Ugh. Whatever. I'm going to Algebra, i'll see you after school." I said to Liv. 

"Okay, see you then." She replied. 

"Hey! Avery! Wait up!" I spun around as i heard an Oh-So-Familiar voice shout. 

"Hey, Isaac. What do you need?" I asked 

"I was hoping we could walk to Algebra together?" He responded. Oh, crap! I forgot! We have Algebra together, too! 

"Umm, sure. If you want." I said a little wearing to the fact of being next to him after Olivia ran her blabber mouth at lunch.. That girl.. Sometimes, i really worry about her blabber mouth issues. 

"Okay." He said with a smirk. 

"Listen, about Olivia... She's got a bit of an over-the-top attitude. It takes some getting used to." I explained. 

"I think i can get used to it." He said with his ever-so-dashing smile. Wait, what? Did i really just think that? No Avery, no! No thinking about him that way! 

"What?" Isaac asked with a bit of a chuckle. 

"Huh?" I asked, confused. 

"You just said 'No Avery! No thinking about him that way!'?" He said with another chuckle. Oh, crap! Did did i seriously say that out loud? Stupid freaking mind.. Always saying things i think!

"Ummm.. Yeah! I was just you know, going over lines for this.... Play! Yeah, it's a play im auditioning for later this week. Im just you know, really into getting the part i want!" I explained a bit shakily. 

"Oh, cool! Whats the play called?" 

"Ummm.. The play? Um, it's called.. Umm... Boy-crazy! Yeah, im kind of into plays and stuff. Oh, well look! Here's the Algebra class! Must get going now, see you later!" I then ran, to my seat in the front row of the class. Thank all things good, that he's in one of the furthest spot's away from me in this class. 


"Hahahah! Boy-crazy!? Where do you come up with these things! Your a really quick thinker! Ahahahah!" Olivia was basically laughing herself to tears when i told her what i said to Isaac. Stupid bitch.

"Yeah. Ha. Ha. So funny." I replied in a blah tone, and a death stare. 

"Hey. Its not my fault! Your the one who said it!" Olivia replied with her hands raised. 

"Whatever." My phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I said as i answered. 

"Hey! It's Isaac." Said the other line. How the fri-. Olivia. I gave her the death stare while she gave me a 'What did i do this time' look. 

"Hey... Whats up?" I asked. 

"Oh, nothing. Just sitting here bored. I was wondering if you and Olivia maybe want to come and have dinner with me? i was thinking of going to a restaurant downtown. It's called Cimorelli's? The food looks good there."

"Umm.. Im not sure.. I'd have to talk to Olivia about it, and see if she wanted to go.. I can txt you and tell you what she says?" 

"Sure! Just let me know by maybe 5-ish?" 

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