Chapter Four- The Library

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"I legitly think i'm going to find her in school on Monday, and smack the wack out of her! Who does she think she is? Talking to my best freaking friend like that?! After all you've been through with your father, and not mention what your going through rite now?! Well, she doesnt know about the current situation, but still, nobody talks to my best friend like that! I will cut her.. And to think that me and her had art Freshmen year together.. I seriously oughtta-" 

"Dude! Calm yourself!" I yelled over Olivia. Wow. This girl really has it out for her. 

"She was our waitress! She was suppose to be polite and serve us! Not tell you that 'You'll never be good enough for Isaac' " Wow, it still really stings to hear anybody say it. "When we all know he has a thing for you! Your beautiful as hell! Ashley freaking Hochkins better watch her back! I will claw at her like a freaking rabbid squirell!" 

"Setlle down. its not that big of a deal. Isaac does not have a thing for me!" I replyed. 

"Why else would he stand up for you and tell her, without hessitation that your his girlfriend, knowing very well that she could tell the entire school and rumors could fly? Hmm? Explain that!" Olivia yelled. 

"He was just being a good friend. I doubt he has athing for me. He probably doesnt think of me as anything but a friend anyways." I said lamely to Olivia.

"Explain lunch the other day then. 'Well, she certainly not bad looking.' " Olivia fired. 

"I dont know! Maybe he just likes me as a friend and wants to keep us as friends! You dont that he wants us to be together! He's a regulation hottie! He could have literally any girl in school that he wants. i seriously doubt he'd go for me." I said. 

" Dude. Your a regulation hottie. Don't you get it? You cant hvae any guys in school, including him." Olvia said in a sly tone. 

"Sure. Whatever. Im going to bed." I replyed. 


"Sh. Goodnight." 


I woke up the next morning to Olivia hitting me upside the head with a pillow. Ow. 

"What the hell?!" I screamed. 

"Its almost noon and your not up, and im hungry" Olivia said with a shrug of the shoulders. "Besides, your phone went off a couple times earlier. " 

I looked at my phone. 1 Txt from Isaac. 2 Missed calls from mom. 1 missed call from Isaac. 2 Voicemails.

Message From: Isaac 

Hey! I was wondering if your okay? And if maybe later you would want to stufy for the History Mid-Term with me at the library later today? Let me know... 

Voice Message: "Hey, Ave, its mom. Just checking up on you. I'll be home Sunday. If you need any money, i left you some on the counter, for food. I'll have my phone on me all weekend. If you need me just call. I love you! 

Voice Message: "Hey, it's mom again. Just wanted to talk to you! I miss you allot! Please call me back when you get this. I love you!"

Message To: Isaac 

Yeah, im fine. Thanks. Haha. Yeah, i really need to study. Maybe around 4-ish? 

Message To: Mother Dearest 

Hey, mom! I miss you allot! I'll call you later! I'm going to meet up at the library with a friend. I'll call you rite after. I love you! 


After Isaac agreed to meeting me at the library around 4 i got ready. I was in the outside of the public library.

"Hey, Avery. Over here!" I heard someone whisper.  I looked over and i see Isaac, with a V-neck T-shirt on, outlining his abs. Oh, sweet baby-cakes. 


After about an hour of studying I went to the bathroom. After coming back, me, being the clutz i am ran into Isaac heading for the bathroom. We ended up in the same position as the other day. Him ontop of me, while me on the ground freaking out. 

"Um, sorry" I said with a sly smile. 

"Its fine, haha" Isaac said with his dashing smile. 

We just stared at eachother for a minute. Then he looked down at my lips. Then back up at my eyes.  Oh, no. Now he's leaning in. I did the only thing i could to, i squirmed out from under him and stood up. 

"Um, well i better get going, i have to go back home, and um, clean. And um, make dinner and all that kinds of chiz." I said with an awrkward smile. 

"Chiz?" He asked 

:Um, yeah. You know? Its kind of just a filler word, like some people use stuff, or thingie, i use chiz. We'll i better get going, see you on  Monday! Ha. " Im so awkardly-stupid it's not even funny... Well actually allot of people find it funny. I dont. 


Author's note: I know, its hort.. But this is my second update in one day! I promise the next chapter will be longer than this! But guys! You need to please start giving me feedback! Nobody is! :( I feel like nobody really likes this book! If you like it, hate it, dislike it, think there can be some improvments, tell me! i need to know these things! The more feedback i get, the faster i update, because i know people want to read it! Just let me know! Love you guys!


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