Chapter 41 // Hotel

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By the time we had gotten to the hotel, my feet were absolutely killing me. We had been walking the entire day so we could see every animal possible, and when you mix a lot of walking with lack of sleep, it was a combination as bad as orange juice and brushed teeth.

The hotel room was much more cozy and inviting as opposed to the ones I usually stayed in. The walls were painted beige and the carpet was a rich, navy blue that felt very soft underneath my feet. One king sized bed sat in the middle of the room, topped with a fluffy duvet comforter and various pillows that I felt compelled to dive into like a child.

Calum and I had already eaten some dinner at a local restaurant and we took pictures with everyone there who asked for one. That was the only downside of going on public dates with Calum- we always were swarmed with phones that just snapped pictures of us without even asking. Obviously I had grown accustomed to this and was well aware that it was part of the job and that I would do same thing if I saw one of my idols, but I just wish people valued a conversation more than a picture they can use to just get more likes on social media.

"I'm so tired," I whined, taking my shoes off and letting my feet feel free and no longer constricted. I dropped the duffel bag Calum had packed for me on the floor, letting it just fling off of my shoulder.

Calum placed his hands on my shoulders, massaging my upper back with his thumbs moving in a circular motion. I let out a sigh of relief, leaning into his touch so he could get rid of even more tension in my neck.

"I'm pretty exhausted too, but I had so much fun with you today," He told me as he stopped massaging me and wrapped his arms around my waist instead.

"Me too," I agreed, involuntarily smiling just as the memories from our all-day-date crept back into my brain.

I broke out of his grasp and unzipped the bag, rummaging through it to find some comfortable clothes to change into. I laughed at the fact that Calum had packed the laciest bra that I owned into the bag. Typical.

I finally decided on just wearing one of Calum's t-shirts. Men's shirts had a softer quality to them, and the lovely aroma of my boyfriend was always something that I wanted to be filling my nostrils. I let my own clothes fall to the ground and pulled his shirt over my head. It fit me like a dress, coming to just above my mid-thigh, and I didn't even bother with putting any shorts on.

Calum was sitting straight up on the bed, his back pressed against the headboard with his phone held firmly in his hand. I crawled over towards him, taking the phone out of his hands and placing it on the nightstand next to us as I took a seat on his lap, straddling my legs on either side of him.

His eyes widened, a playful smirk covering his face. "Well hello there, beautiful."

"Hi," I greeted shyly, giggling softly as a lock of hair fell in front of my face, shielding my cheeks that were now tinted a bright shade of red.

He tucked the loose ringlet behind my ear, grinning up at me as his hands found their way to my hamstrings, gripping onto them tightly. "Nice shirt."

"Thanks. I stole it from some loser," I teased, stretching my arms out to lock them behind his neck, with my fingers toying with his dark hair and admiring the way it felt so coarse against my skin.

"Did you put that bra I packed for you on under it?" Calum asked in a cheeky manner, his palms sliding even further up my legs.

He was moving his hands incredibly slow and I could feel the contrast of his rough palms against my smooth legs. My heart was pounding faster as he reached my inner thigh, moving his palm in small circles.

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