Chapter 21 // Birthday

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When I finally rolled out of bed on Friday afternoon I did not feel any older. I did not look any older. I felt the same as yesterday and I looked the same as yesterday. The only tiny detail that was altered in my life was that I could now proudly say that I was nineteen, rather than murmuring that I was almost nineteen, or declaring that I was eighteen but not for long. Now it was officially my birthday, and it was horridly lame.

My phone was full of messages from all sorts of people, some of which I didn't even have the numbers saved for. I quickly thanked everyone, along with shooting out a tweet to my followers that expressed my gratitude for all of the birthday wishes.

I traveled into the bathroom, ridding myself of my pajamas, leaving behind a pool of clothing on the tiled floors. I turned the shower knob and waited a few seconds for it to get warm before swiftly stepping inside, feeling the hot water beat down on me like a waterfall that would cleanse all of the impurities off of my exhausted body.

With a heavy sigh, I squatted down and took a seat in a curled up ball position, hugging my knees against my chest. The stream of water continuously pouring on the top of my head made me feel as if I was participating in a dreary music video.

I should have been in a better mood. It was the exiting of my mother's vagina day, after all. But it felt incredibly odd for me to be celebrating another year of life when I was still stuck mourning over the death of Max.

A sweet scent of fruit filled my nostrils as I raised to my feet, washing my body with the lovely smelling shower gel. I shampooed and conditioned accordingly as well, before leaving the shower and smothering my body with a plush towel.

On the kitchen counter there was a note from Calum, claiming that he had to go to the store and would be back soon. I instantly frowned. I had seen him last night, but that wasn't enough for me. I had suddenly been craving spending more time with him than ever before, and when Calum wasn't lounging somewhere in our house I grew lonesome. I'm sure he must be sick of me and my annoying, emotional behavior by now, so I don't blame him for leaving for a bit, but I really wish he was here.

Luke had invited me to come over before we went to dinner, so I figured I should get ready for that. I applied my usual make-up and slipped into a casual dress, dreading the fact that I even had to look nice when all I wanted to do was sleep some more.

I did want to see Luke since I have missed him, but every since Max died I have been distant from him and there was slight tension between us, so I was kind of worried for what tonight would bestow. A tiny part of me was kind of upset that he hadn't made any effort to come visit me when all I really needed was for someone to kiss me and tell me that it was going to be okay. I guess Calum did the second one, which I was grateful for, but then again that only made me feel even more guilty for ditching Luke the other day.

The drive to their house was shorter than I expected, but maybe it was because I was too consumed with my thoughts. Soon enough I was knocking at their front door that was eventually opened up by Michael.

He smiled brightly at me, the smile overtaking his face and reaching up to his vividly colored hair. "Hi Cassidy! Happy birthday! It is your birthday, right?"

I allowed myself to giggle. "Yes, Michael. Thank you."

He awkwardly pulled me in for an extremely quick hug. Michael's hand immediately began to scratch the back of his neck after, as if he felt jittery or uncomfortable with my presence. I couldn't blame him for that though; we still haven't made the switch from acquaintances to friends just yet. "Uh, you, um, you can come in! Yeah, come in!"

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