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All students are lined up in the gym, waiting for their teacher to group them for dodgeball.

The teacher announced that the counting for member should start. That cue other students to look at their position in line to make sure they'll have their friends on their group when the teacher shouted "Everyone stop moving and no exchanging places. You should learn to have team work with people you aren't close with"

A lot of sighs was heard and some whispers ranting about the situation when the teacher clapped his hands to get their attention "Let's get it started, one" pointing his finger to a student. There the counting for groupings started.

"Three" Chaewon said in a loud voice so her group mates will know she's in their team.

Chaewon enjoy this game, actually she usually survive the game or be the final member to survive the game. But for some reason she feel nervous. Maybe because Jiwoo isn't in the same group as her or because she's not her self today, she's spaced out a lot of times.

A whistle from their teacher echoed on the entire gym "Class go to your assigned group mates and start planning your game play, we'll start in a minute"

Before going to their group mates Jiwoo approached Chaewon and squeezed her shoulder "Chae I'm grouped with Sooyoung! Who are your group mates?"

Chaewon shrugged and "I wasn't listening to others when we were counting" Jiwoo shook Chaewon's shoulder "yah get your shit together! Go now and find them" and gave Chaewon a tap on her butt and ran to Sooyoung, embracing her with a squeal.

Chaewon looked around when she heard a voice "Is anyone there a group three member? We're still missing some members. Kindly get your asses her so we can plan well" she turned to where the voice is coming from with her hands hanging in the air.

Before saying me she realized it was Hyejoo who was speaking. Right on that moment she felt herself freeze especially when Hyejoo looked at her.

"Cha-Cha!" she averted her gaze to the girl running towards her. She came back to her senses "Y-Yeojin! You're in group three too? cool"

"Yes, so come on now" Yeojin said after grabbing Chaewon's arm with her own as she dragged her to their group.

"Now guys we have two aces! Hyejoo and Chaewon. I can see our grades in a brighter light now" others cheer upon hearing that.

Chaewon pinched Yeojin on her waist with her free hand and whisper "Yah stop, you're embarrassing me" Yeojin just stucked her tongue out.

The game started an just like everyone assumed their two aces are the only remaining players. They only need to survive a good ten seconds and they will be announced winners in their match.

"Four! Three! Two! One! Yeeeey" the group cheered as they confirmed their success on the game. They clapped in union and cheered for their two aces.

Chaewon don't know what to do. Should I give her a high five? or just say congratulations? why am I even struggling over this? Chaewon was shocked when Hyejoo looked at her so she panicked and said "C-Congratulations" and smiled. Chaewon hoped her smile didn't look too awkward.

Hyejoo returned a "you too" with a nod and turned her back from Chaewon to get some water. Chaewon walked to the opposite side when a ball hit her, hard.

She immediately fell into her knees as the impact weakened her. The students who were playing on the other side of the court came running to her and eventually encircled her to well maybe ask if she's alright or just to look at what happened.

Hyejoo broke the circle and announced "I will bring her to the clinic. Move aside". The students immediately cleared a path for her.

Hyejoo leveled herself with Chaewon and examined Chaewon's face. A bright red is marked on Chaewon's cheek and the side of her lips is bleeding with a small cut. Hyejoo lifted her chin with her hands "Hey, can you walk?"

Chaewon tried to answer but she was too dizzy so instead of answering she could only blink her dizziness away. She actually tried speaking but before her voice even work she immediately winced in pain.

Hyejoo held Chaewon's both hands as she turned her back from her. She gently pulled Chaewon closer to her back and whispered "I'm giving you a lift on my back. Do me a favor and hold on tight, don't try speaking and please don't sleep. Don't worry I got you" Chaewon just hummed in response as Hyejoo helped her position herself in Hyejoo's back.

As soon as Hyejoo is sure she's holding Chaewon right she got up her knees. She readied herself to run when their teacher came to them running."I'm sorry but what happened? I was getting your activity record"

"She got hit on the face by other players. I as our class rep will take over this matter. Sir please talk to the student who caused this accident" Hyejoo casually said to their teacher before bolting out to the exit door.

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