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Chaewon is on her way to the lockers area with her head still clouded about her dream last night. Even after standing in front of her locker it seems like she can't remove it from her thoughts. Suddenly, she heard a loud tud as if something dropped from behind her. Chaewon looked from her shoulder, not fully turning her head as she watch the girl behind her pick the shoe which Chaewon assumed to have fallen from the girl's hand while trying to get her uniform in her locker.

After picking up her shoe the girl immediately lifted her head and noticed a blonde girl looking- no watching her. She then shot a brow to the blonde one. Chaewon quickly avoided her gaze from panic and pretended to be fixing something in her locker when she heard a scoff from behind her. Chaewon didn't dare to look back and continued pretending she's busy when she heard foot steps coming towards her direction.. Chaewon became more nervous and mumbled to her self shit when the foot step she heard awhile ago was interrupted by a louder foot step and was followed with a shout.

"Hyejoo! What's taking you long there? The queue is about to get long if you don't get your ass here. Come on" the foot steps that was supposed to come to her direction changed and went to direction where the shout came from. "Sorry, I was just being clumsy earlier, lets go Yerim" when Chaewon heard that she finally decided to look at the girl earlier.. now walking away with someone while her arm wrapped around with that someone's shoulder, she watched them walk away from her with their bickering "Hyejoo you always make me wait for you" the latter just laughed and said "you still love me anyway"

Chaewon came back to her senses blinking twice, still flustered and thought of "Did Son Hyejoo just caught me looking at her?" She suddenly gasped when she realized something "Did she try to approached me earlier? Damn I'm so embarrassed" Chaewon mumbled in disbelief and embarrassment and closed her locker and walk her way to the gym.

Chaewon walking like a zombie keep on mumbling "Son Hyejoo is one class one" when Jiwoo suddenly appeared from her side and pinch her cheeks. Startling Chaewon who was supposed to mutter "we're attending this class with them" accidentally said it louder than her supposed mutter. Hearing that made Jiwoo frown "Class one? We've been doing that since the sem started Chae, is there anything surprising about it? oh wait is there something wrong again?" Chaewon panicked a little and stuttered "nothing" Jiwoo smiled and ruffle Chaewon's hair and jokingly advice her "you know what Chae, you're getting weirder every day but I'm always letting it pass because you're cute. Just stop thinking about your dream for awhile  and try to be a little more normal" Chaewon rolled her eyes before nodding and smiled. In the same time Chaewon was like "the dream? I wasn't even thinking about that right now."

----------------------------------------------English isn't my first language so sorry for grammatical errors and tbh I don't really know where this shit is heading hsjskshaj

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