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Chaewon called for Jiwoo's name when she saw her standing at the shed, waiting for her and the bus. Chaewon hurried herself to stand beside Jiwoo.

"Chaewon, did you cried last night?" concern is evident in Jiwoo's voice as she slightly make Chaewon look at her using her hands.

Chaewon frowned, puzzled by what Jiwoo just asked. "What? No I didn't"
Jiwoo stared at Chaewon with squinting eyes. "Look, I really didn't cried last night" Chaewon answered getting more confuse about it.

"Then why does your eyes looks so.. unusual?" Chaewon fished out her phone from her bag to look at her reflection. Chaewon sighed when she realized what Jiwoo was trying to say. "I just woke up too early today and honestly I don't feel like I ever slept at all"

Jiwoo's squinting eyes changed with concern. "Why? Is the something bothering you?" Chaewon shook her head and just said "You know what I'll just tell you about my dream last night on the bus" while looking at the bus coming to their stop. "Huh? uh okay if that's what boring you then okay I'm all ears"

Both of them entered the bus and found two empty seats just right for the both them on the back part of the bus.
Once they're finally seated Jiwoo didn't waste a minute and asked "so what about it?"

Chaewon sighed before speaking "Its getting weirder Jiwoo. Remember the last time I talked to you about my dream..." Jiwoo mentally recalled about it "yeah that was really a weird one. Was your dream last night connected to it?"

Chaewon nodded "Yes and remember when I said I think I saw my reflection in that dream? and how that someone looks so familiar?" Jiwoo nodded aggressively and complained how Chaewon is giving her suspense.

"It was.. hyejoo" Jiwoo frowned and said "what? what about hyejoo?" Chaewon rolled her eyes and said "oh my gosh Jiwoo, Hyejoo is the girl in my reflection which is technically me.."

Jiwoo's eyes widen in realization "ohhh right right. Okay I get it, this is really weird but you know its also so interesting like why would it be hyejoo?" Chaewon noticed how Jiwoo's tone changed in her last sentence and looked at Jiwoo who is now wiggling her brows at her.

"Gosh Jiwoo I don't know and its not like that" Jiwoo just laughed satisfied by her friend's annoyed face. Before Jiwoo can even say a word to tease Chaewon, two girls boarded the bus. The black haired girl leading while holding the purple-haired girl by her wrist. Looking for available seats for the both of them.

Jiwoo looked at Chaewon when both girls stopped and took the seat in front of them. Chaewon then looked at Jiwoo who is now looking at her with big eyes slightly opening her mouth. Chaewon immediately stopped Jiwoo from speaking by sealing Jiwoo's lips by her palm.

"Jiwoo stop over reacting please" Chaewon said while her palm is still pressed in Jiwoo's lips. Jiwoo knowing it isn't a good idea to tease her about it at the moment just nodded and removed Chaewon's hand. "I'm just teasing Chaewon-ah"

Chaewon rolled her eyes and linked her arms to Jiwoo's and lean her head to the latter's shoulder. "Just wake me up when its time for us to go down, I should really get some sleep". Chaewon felt Jiwoo's neck moved probably nodding to her.

Jiwoo having no one to talk to finally zipped her mouth and now the whole bus became quiet. Chaewon trying to sleep can't help but to hear the exchange whispers in front of her. "I spent the whole day playing while waiting for your text, are you that busy yesterday?" The voice came from a very unique kind of voice but Chaewon can easily distinguish who owns that voice.

Chaewon suddenly felt awkward since she thought omg no this is not my business so she just put on her ear buds and play some songs on her phone. While looking for songs to play she unintentionally heard the latter's reply. "Oh you were? I'm sorry Hyejooo I didn't know you were waiting for me... I was out with-" Even though Chaewon felt so curious about it she still thinks its wrong to eavesdrop so she just randomly picked a song. Which eventually helped her to fall asleep.

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Hi! I know there is pretty much nothing about this I just felt like updating sorry 😭 that surprised vlive just inspired me to write lol.

This is a slow-burn kinda fic so it will going to be a really long ass ride. Unless my brain cells gives up on it.

This video also inspired me well on this chapter.

Let Hyerim nation breathe for once in a whole

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Let Hyerim nation breathe for once in a whole. Hyewon babies just wait!

Will try to update often and will try to update with sense unlike this one fml.
Anyways, orbits read Milf smackdown on ao3. A really chef's kiss kind of fanfic.

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