Chapter 19

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Hadrian's Pov

When the sorting starts, papa and I started to guess which house the first years will be put in. "I'm guessing that boy is about to be sorted to Gryffindor," I said confidently. "How so?" Papa raised one of his brows out of curiosity. "The way he puffed his chest as if he's the most famous among the new first years." He then scan the boy "Yes you might be correct, I can see the idiocy" a couple more seconds the sorting hat called out Gryffindor. The table clad in red and gold cheers the loudest and whistles like wolfs. The Biringan twins were both quiet and observing the surrounding.

As the last first year was sorted to Ravenclaw, Dumbledore stood up, "Today one of our professors enrolled their child here at Hogwarts." My papa push me to stand up "Let's welcome Hadrian Snape" loud applause was heard but mostly from the Slytherin table. "Please Mr. Snape sit down," Professor McGonagall said.

I sat down on the small stool when the hat was put on my head 'Mr. Snape or is it Mr. Riddle?' I was about to retort 'Relax child no one knows what I know' he said smiling. 'Now young Heir let's see what we have, plenty of wit and wisdom, enough of kindness, of course, there's courage but it seems to be that you belong to'

"Slytherin!!" the Slytherin's lost their composures and cheered as if they won the school cup. When Professor McGonagall remove the hat I copied my Papa's well-known Snape walk with the ends of my robes billowing and steps with elegance. I took a seat next to Draco and all Slytherin then congratulate and welcome me. "Before we start there are three new students that will be joining us" the Biringan twins with Korvus. Korvus was the first to sit and was sorted to Hufflepuff who was seated beside Susan Bones, Amihan was next and sorted to Gryffindor who sat with beside Parvati, and lastly, Habagat was sorted to Slytherin, he walked towards our table and seated beside me. "Let the feast begin" we hear Dumbledore announce and all the food starts to appear at the table. I look at my Papa smiling and received the same smile, suddenly all utensils clang down each table.

When I look up all students were shocked to see the well-known potion master smile. "It's rude to stare at people" papa's voice boomed inside the Great Hall and all students started to return to themselves, I snickered at their reactions. When dinner was finished we all go to the dungeons with the prefects leading us, when we arrived Papa was there, "Hadrian come with me" and turned toward his office, I was about to follow him when "You too Draco" continue to walk. We look at each other and follow Papa.

We stopped at a room with T.M.R initials on the door. "This was your Father's room when he was still at Hogwarts." He opened the door, and I felt a very familiar feeling. "Father's Magic still lingers," I said smiling.

"My quarters are next to this room and my office is two doors down," he said. "You can unpack your things to this room. Draco come outside for a moment." When both were outside I jumped on the bed. "So Fluffy" I roll and rolled until I made myself into a sushi roll blanket. "Hades what are you doing?"

"It's so fluffy Dray, try sitting" he walked towards the bed and sat down. "Your right but my bed is still fluffier"

"Are you rooming with me?" I said looking up at him. "Nope, Uncle Sev said he still does not trust our decision so we can only be roommates when we are already in our Sixth year"

"They're too overprotective" I unroll myself from the blankets. "I'm going to unpack now want to help?" When we finished unpacking my stuff "I'm still confused, how come you're here and Potter was here"

"Oh well Father did say to follow the plan, but I don't want to be the one sacrificing myself in that bloody game, so I did some revisions on his plans and all," I said while fixing my parchments and quills on my desk. "Well who did you find"

"It's a secret and all I have to do is changed his memories and appearance to a savior and Golden boy they need," I said casually. "Whoever he might be I pity him. Well, it's almost curfew, I'm going to go back now. See tomorrow Hades" he said before giving a small peck on my forehead. "Yeah see you tomorrow Dray" I then escort him out the door. "Since I still don't feel sleepy let's visit the chamber of secrets then." I took out a small parchment and wrote a small note to papa about where I'm heading, taking my invisible cloak with me and exiting my room, to put the note in Papa's office. When I open the door I see papa checking a foot-long essay. "What is it Hadrian?" he said without looking up from his work. "I was just only going to leave this note but, it seems that you're too busy to read it," I said removing my hood. "I'm going to the chamber of secrets" he looked up. I'm expecting a no but it seems I got a "You may go as long as you don't endanger yourself." And turn back to his work. I guess he's not that overprotective. I put on my hood and started to venture to the abandoned girl's lavatory on the second floor.

The walk to the second floor was very quiet except for the close encounter with Filch. When I arrive at the lavatory I can hear Myrtle's cry from her stall. I walk to where the sink is, "Open" the sinks move, and show the passageway to the chamber. "Stairs" and a series of thuds were heard that show that the stair appeared in the chamber. "How can this be" a shocked voice of Myrtle can be heard. I walk down the stairs, and when I reached the bottom, the giant corpse of Basilisk greets me. "Such mystical beast, killed by manipulation." I put my forehead on its dead corpse "ժαճíԵմɾ ҽղíต αตҽԵ ตαցղís ճҽlմαҽ ԵɾísԵҽต ตօɾԵҽต αղíตαต" I feel my magic leave me. I see the see of the Basilisk starting to get fixed its grayish scale turns back to its former colors. "Welcome back, Abbas"

The Basilisk then raises his head "To you as well young Slytherin heir."


( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡ Hey guys this will be for the day.

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