Day One

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Today I woke up at 12.34 no phone. so I check the clock on my kindle. Usually, I straight up to unlock my phone and see the notifications, right away opening twitter and all social media to catch up whats up. But today I was like sitting there and just left my room and went to the living room where my cousin sam was watching anime shows, one punch man. I ask him a few questions like having a small talk. I sit for a while and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Then I had my first lunch together with sam and my mom while my brother just finished showering so he didn't join us. My dad, was busy upstairs. Lately he is so into sewing, he sews a lot of fabric masks, just like my aunt. This is something that runs in the blood, perhaps. Bytheway My dad's a vegan, so needless to say he's not one of us. 

Hehe, I'm joking. 

I didn't have a phone on me so I couldn't show my mom the dim sum that I've been talking about. Then I have this urge to open the twitter, but without logging in my account. I remember last night, there's this selebtwit who wants to spill the TEA. Bruh, I'm down!! I open my laptop to check it and type this DIARY lol. so I'll check up what's the TEA and come back here doing something else.

Eh, guess what? NOTHING to see there, the tea wasn't complete yet! hhh, so many things going around. Start from Kim jong-un dead rumor and this activist named Ravio, this is one of the reason I'M TOTALLY FOMO.

Anyhow, I felt like I need to poop, do you know what? it sucks taking a dump without a phone, but am I gonna die to poop without a phone? haha, let's find out.H

Yeah, it's a bit weird to not bring the phone to the toilet. No music, and no endless timeline scrolling, which sucks. I brought my kindle and it wasn't as addicted as a phone. I am more conscious of what I am doing. for instance, I can notice that hey I'm finished poo poo!! time to get up. different when I'm with my phone, it took longer and it feels like I'm on autopilot mode. for now, I feel like I'm more in control of my body, a good sign, I guess?

It was a boring evening, I take an extra nap cause I don't feel like doing anything. while waiting for the ingredients of Mentai rice to be bought by sam, I slept. He was going to cut his hair tho, so I ask him a favor to run me some errands to make this Mentai thing.

I will make it tonight. To be frank, the urge to checking phone after a nap is bigger, but I keep telling myself that it's just three days baby Wid, wait until Tuesday okay?' I realized I need to make myself busy, so my plan for today is making Mentai rice, then playing Xbox or watching money heist, and read articles. that's all. but whenever I didn't put DOING THESIS in my activity I feel bad, LMAO. so I just make amend, to do the thesis every Friday, and having a physical exercise every Wednesday! just like the school schedule. I found it was easier to catch up rather than keep doing things every day with a short amount of time, it didn't work on me.

So, here's how my Mentai Rice goes like

It looks like puke, it does look like the actual puke. Sorry, but the look was unpleasant. Even so, my brother's trusted me enough to eat it without any complain and turned out it tastes good! had to do several improvisation because fuck tutorial right? but it was good it tasted good, just the look of it wasn't good, like if someone ever cooked me that way I'd complain.

I've been watching money heist since dinner and at this very moment I REALLY WANNA SAY FUCKKK YOU PALERMO ANJING!!! my favorite character died!! because of you motherfucker. ARRGHHGHGGH gonna finish it first, I'll be right back!. I'm so pissed!

Okay it's 23.28 now and I have finished the season 4 of money heist. I have many unspoken words during the episodes, first was the beauty privileges. I know this is a heist but guess what? it has more drama than the Korean drama itself. Basically, my favorite character died in the show and if you are planning to watch the show, stop right here, cause it will contain a spoiler.

Roughly, my favorite character, Nairobi got shot in the head. It was because of this motherfucking personal guard name Gandhia freaking ass. He escapes because of Palermo, Palermo is also the same pain in the ass like Gandhia. He is egomania dude who betrays his teammates just because Tokyo taking the lead. He told Gandhia to break his thumb just so he can escape from the handcuffed which he did and it worked. Long story short he got TOKYO, the main character (i guess). Because the author keeps making her winning everything, duh.

Gandhia got Tokyo and not even think to kill her, he even flirts with Tokyo. Like you know showing compassion which is DISGUSTING. While he shows ZERO compassion or even chill to Nairobi my baby. I don't get it why Gandhia hates Nairobi so damn much. all I can say, both Nairobi and Tokyo attacked and shut THIS STUPID MAN. So they were TWO of them, and yet Gandhia only holds the grudge to Nairobi. Pretty fucked up when we all know that Nairobi was A QUEEN and Tokyo just another obnoxious byotch. She CAUSED everything

But this is a FICTION so I get it. So the point in here was the beauty privilege STRIKES again. the beauty one didn't get killed

I have finished Money Heist, it's still ongoing tho. But that doesn't make any difference because I've finished it all. I've been thinking about what should I watch tomorrow? I still have many days till Friday, on Friday I will be doing my thesis.Its Midnight already, I cannot believe that I passed the first day without any breakdown. My phone is still in the box which I shouldn't touch. I feel a bit proud of myself that I can keep the promise and be discipline, it feels so right in the heart. Good night.

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