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"I need you to take them longer than what I was hoping for." Coach says to me.

"I'm sorry. I know you don't like this-"

"You know my girlfriend almost caught me." I say. "Then just get better at hiding it McDaniel."

"Look, I don't know how long I can keep doing this. I don't want to end up getting addicted or something."

"It's just two months extra, you'll be fine if you just stick to the two a day."

"I don't kno-"

"Look, just do it, I know the amount of pills in the bottle, so I know when they'll run out and I'll call you to give you some more."

"Whatever." I say hanging up on him.

"You okay?" I hear Billie. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine."

"That's great, because I wanna watch Friends rerun with you." She says.

"I'll be out in a second and we can do whatever you want to do." I tell her.


"Anna! Bebé, despierta (Baby, wake up). I groan as I feel my body being shook. I slap the hand that's shaking me away and I hear "Wake up Anna."

There's only one person in the entire universe who calls me Anna. "Mama?" I open my eyes. "Yay, you're awake. I thought I was going to have to slap you." She says. I sit up and she says "Billie went to Mia's place for a while, so we could talk." Mom says.

"I'm sorry I asked about my Dad, I know you don't like the topic but I just keep bringing it up and I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, but I'm just really not ready to talk about him yet." She says. "When will you be ready?"

"I don't know, but when I am, I'll answer anything you wanna know, I promise, okay? I love you mija." Mom says. "I love you too."

She asks "What happened to you this week? Billie said you went m.i.a."

"Uh, I went to a party, my phone died, so I got lost on my way back. But I eventually made it." I tell a half lie and Mom nods her head. "Well, as long as your fine." She squeezes my hand and kisses my forehead.

"Where's Lulu?" I ask. "Lulu, " Mom yells and in walks in my baby and she sees me and goes crazy. "Hello, my babygirl, I missed you so much!" I say scratching her when she jumps into my lap.

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"Fuck, you're so cute." I say and she wags her tail. I walk to the bathroom with her small body in my arms. I turn on the water sitting her on the sink.

I take the medicine cabinet grabbing Lulu's toothbrush and toothpaste. Don't judge me. I put some toothpaste on the toothbrush and I say "Open."

Lulu doesn't oblige and I stick the toothbrush in her mouth. "Lulu, stop biting." I pull at the toothbrush but it doesn't budge. "Lulu, let go!" I glare at her. She might be cute, but she's a tiny devil at times.

I give up and I decide I'll just brush my own teeth. Once I'm finished, I turn off the water. My eyes travel to my arms and I see bruises on my arm.

I run my hands over them and wince at the slight stinging. My memory from the party is slowly starting to come back and I remember shooting up.

Oh, shit. What did I do? "Damn it." I mutter to myself. If mom sees this, I'm dead. She isn't dumb. I rush to my dresser grabbing a long sleeve shirt. I slip it on and I walk back to the bathroom to see Lulu still with the toothbrush in her mouth.

"Really Lulu?" I scratch her back and I take the toothbrush out of her mouth with ease. I pry her mouth open and I begin brushing her teeth. I struggle for like ten minutes, mainly because she was trying to bite me.

"I'm done, there it wasn't that bad." I breath out. I put everything back in place and I set Lulu down on the ground and I walk out of my room. Hearing her little paws on the floor, I know she's following behind me.

I see Mom in the kitchen cooking already. "Mama, you just got here, can't you take a break?" I ask.

"No, I'm tired of you eating take out all the time, más you play year round basketball, you need to be healthy." She says.

"Feeding me migas everyday isn't healthy." I say. "Mine has avocados, vegetables, eggs, and other things. It's healthy." She defends herself.

"You're right, I'm going to take a walk to Mia's with Lulu, I'll be back." I say.

"Okay, be safe mija." I tell Lulu to follow me and I open the house and she walks before me and I guess she knows we're going to Mia's because she leads the way.

I don't need a leash usually with her, she's almost always obedient. We arrive at Mia and I knock on the door. "It's open!" I hear Mia's voice.

Now imagine, if I was stranger. She just say "it's open." to anyone now?

I open the door and Lulu runs in. I see Mia, Jersey, and Billie in the living room. Along with Izzy, Mac, and Avery. Lulu prances in the center of them practically twirling around.

They see her and Billie says "Lulu!" Lulu walks to Billie and Billie leans down petting the dog. I walk over to Billie pecking her lips.

"Please don't try to fuck in front of us again." Mac groans. "Shut up, it was a one time thing. And what about you and Izzy, you guys air your sex life out to everyone."

"No we don't," Izzy buts in. "Mia, tell her that's not true."

Mia just looks at them and scratches her head before pursing her lips and looking down. "Avery knows it isn't true." Mac says. "I do?" Avery asks.

I laugh and I get two middle fingers and I gasp dramatically. I feel a wave of dizziness hit me and I balance myself.

"Hey, umm I'll be right back." I say. I can't have anyone see me like this. I stumble back into my house.

Mom isn't in the kitchen anymore, I go to my room opening the bathroom running my fingers through my hair and I feel the urge to vomit.

I lean over the toilet and practically puke my guts out while throwing my hair behind my shoulder. I flush the toilet gasping a little for some air. I get up turning on the water to wash my mouth out but I spit out red water.

"The fuck?" I ask myself. I suddenly start coughing and I can't stop. I feel the stabbing pain in my chest and I spit up blood.

What is happening to me?

Ahhh, my baby's dying......

But isn't lulu the cutest thing you've seen?

Accepted [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Where stories live. Discover now